  • 學位論文


Investigating the Fatherhood Experiences of a Father for a Junior High School Student with Disability from Family with a Foreign Spouse

指導教授 : 曾淑賢


本研究目的旨在探討新住民家庭之國中身心障礙學生父親實踐父職之經驗。研究採用個案研究法,運用立意取樣之方式針對一位新住民家庭中之國中身心障礙學生父親為主要研究對象,並以其新住民配偶及學校特教教師為參與對象,透過半結構式的深度訪談的方法來詮釋分析新住民家庭中父職參與的經驗,包括教養身障子女時所扮演的角色與參與方式、教養過程中遭遇的困難及如何去解決與面對困難等。研究結果發現: 一、影響父職參與的因素包括:文化、家庭及學校。 二、值得注意的是雖然研究對象自陳文化差異對其影響不大,但研究結 果發現,文化對於其家庭影響頗鉅,包含:配偶適應、語言溝通、孩子教養等各面向。 三、此研究對象有別於一般研究者經驗中的新住民家庭父親的圖像。其 本身的特質是積極投入、樂觀又踏實,且面對困境時能勇於面對不逃避,從而型塑出相當正面的父職角色加以抗衡其弱勢情境。這些特質的強化與支持值得未來研究與實務進一步的深入探討。


This study aimed to investigate the fatherhood experiences from a father of a family with a foreign spouse of a junior-high-school-age student with disabilities. This study adopted a case study using purposive sampling and participants included the father, his foreign wife and the special education teacher. Through in-depth semi-structured interviews, this study analyzed the fatherhood experiences of the father in this immigrant family, including his role and ways of involvement, challenges, and ways forward. Findings are as follows: 1.Factors influencing the father’s participation in fatherhood include culture, family, and school. 2.Although the father’s own statement described that cultural differences have no influences on his fatherhood experiences, the study found that that cultural differences impacted the spouse’s adaptation to the foreign environment and culture, communications, and view of parenting and expectations which in turn had great influences on the family. 3.The participant differs from most typical fathers of families with foreign spouses that researchers had previously worked with. He is active, optimistic, and practical and not afraid of challenges. Therefore, he had shaped himself to a positive role to fights against disadvantages. How to enhance and support these characteristics among fathers with foreign spouses of students with disabilities presents an enlightening direction for future research.


陳香利(2006)。無條件的接納—身心障礙者家庭的親職壓力。師友月刊,468,22 - 24。
