  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Franchisee’s Franchise behavioral intention and satisfaction-Intrapreneurial Perspective

指導教授 : 李雨師 吳文傑




Due to the population of franchising , chain industries face lots challenges; therefore, the pattern of franchise also changes. Transferring from external franchise system which pursues expanding stores quickly to internal franchise system which only employees can Franchise. The franchisee and the internal employees expand stores as partner is conducive to cost reduction, enhancement of acquiring resources and knowledge transfer so as to increase the competitive advantages of the organizations themselves and to achieve the purpose of win-win. This study targets the chain of tea stores in Taiwan as objects, and the study distinguishes into two stages: "before franchise" and "after franchise."   First, exploring the factors that promote employees to be a franchise before franchising. In addition to the discussion of economic factors emphasized by past studies, this study generalizes two constitutions: social psychology factors and relevant capability to carry out the discussion through interviews. Furthermore, investigating the factors which affect the franchisor's satisfaction of starting business as internal franchise’s after franchising. This study generalized social psychology factors and economic factors two terms to discuss together by interviews and literature retrospections. The results discover that the most important social psychology factors which influence franchisor’s willingness and satisfaction are all relevant with previous relationships - which is the relationship between franchisor and franchisee, relationship among colleagues, relationship among employees’ friends, and also affected by economic factors simultaneously. Moreover, after training by franchisee, franchisors could obtain management and operating capabilities which are franchise required, and this will increase the franchise willingness.


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