  • 學位論文


Study design implications of the commercial housing market sample Spatial Planning

指導教授 : 魏主榮


1970年代以來,臺灣房地產業以預售的方式,行銷正在規劃中的住宅及廠辦,從此創發出一套不同於其他國家地區,獨一無二的房屋預售制度。 自1972年華美聯合建設首創樣品屋至今,即便臺灣經濟成長、資訊發達,甚至消費者對於自身權益與房地產市場運作機制的逐漸瞭解,都未改變以樣品屋為主要的行銷方式,而發展的歷程上也反映了不與時空環境變遷的事實。住宅商品化,在銷售策略上賦予商品特性。 樣品屋,是表現開發商的實力以及接待消費者,宣傳商品理念的一個重要場域精神,設計師以前衛時尚理想的設計理念,為消費者展示一種「家」的生活態度。現今時代,一般消費者於購屋時,亦受到室內設計的風向球所影響,樣品屋對於消費者購屋後的室內設計產生一定的影響力。 樣品屋做為一種獨特的展示銷售空間,本身為居住空間的功能性質,又是展示銷售的商品。樣品屋設計的成敗程度牽動影響整體銷售速度,而設計師更是其中最主要的掌握者。如何結合市場的需求,鎖定潛在消費者,根據其經濟基礎,社會地位,審美取向,文化背景做出有效率的設計,是每一位樣品屋設計師都必須思考的問題。 樣品屋之空間設計,是提高消費者消費意願的目的,我們不得不認為這是一項設計學與商業學結合的品項,本研究以設計藝術學的角度,加上實際案例分析市場調查與實際完成各案作為分析及討埨,並研究樣品屋之設計引導消費者購屋意願,進而研究出市場引導下的樣品屋設計的一般性原則。 本研究要討論的問題並非在於做出一個成功的樣品屋,而在於討論研究如何結合市場及消費者需求,來完成這個特殊空間的設計工作。樣品屋的設計風格定位、空間佈局亦或任何一個空間要素的完成,都是基於市場對設計的要求。設計師的眼光不能僅侷限於設計的空間本身,而是要綜觀整個市場,以及對未來的前瞻性,結合市場新的需求、新的變化,適度調整自身思維。 設計不是一門閉門造車就可以成就的藝術。


Model houses are spiritual methods for developers to showcase its capabilities of conceptual philosophy, and to welcome prospective clients into the world of ideal homes. Designers are tasked to deliver an attitude of “home” by using contemporary and avant-garde concepts. In the modern age, clients are often influenced by various design styles around the world, therefore, model houses play an important impact on the design style for the desires of future home owners. Model house are unique in the sense that it plays two different roles, a functional home, but also an exhibited product for sale. A successful design for the model house affects the speed and efficiency of real estate sales record, and a designer is the key driver for the action. Every model house designer must combine and analyze market demands, lock down target audience, and design based upon economic foundations, social status, aesthetic preferences, and cultural backgrounds. A design of a model house is to elevate the desire of potential home owners. This act is a combination of design philosophy and business analytics. The following thesis will utilize case studies of market research and projects from a design and art perspective, to discuss and analyze how model houses generate desires for home owners, and leading into a standardized design guideline and principle. The subject of this thesis is not about creating the perfect model house, but to understand the concept of integrating market and client demands, to arrive at a successful design project. The vision of the designer cannot be limited to the interior space alone, but to have a general overview of the entire market, and to research future possibilities to combine new market demands, changes, and improvement. Any elements such as interior design style, space planning, should be based on the points mentioned above. Design cannot be done by staying home. It is an art that relates to the public needs and world culture


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