  • 學位論文


Research on Factors Influencing Senior's Purchase Intention of Mobile Apps

指導教授 : 廖秀莉


智慧型手機、隨身穿戴裝置的成熟,人們平均年齡逐年上攀,App 已經不是年輕族 群才會接觸到的,而在眾多App 中不少應用讓人愛不釋手,但卻有更多App 就是無法 吸引使用者。到底,App 應具備什麼性質,才能引起銀髮族群使用者的意願?本研究試 圖從App 的相對優勢、相容性、複雜性、價格影響、環境影響以及認知變數,來探討影 響銀髮族App 購買意願的因素。 本研究透過創新擴散理論為主軸,並將使用者依據個人創新特質分為五個階段,共 回收165 份有效問卷,問卷回收經統計分析後,研究結論如下: 1.創新擴散理論中相對優勢、相容性和複雜性,僅「相容性」會使銀髮族對App 的購買 意願有顯著性的影響 2.App 的價格會讓銀髮族對App 的購買意願有顯著性影響 3.App 的知覺趣味性會讓銀髮族對App 的購買意願有負向影響 4.銀髮族的個人創新特質皆會對相對優勢、相容性、複雜性、價格影響、環境影響、認 知變數有顯著性的影響,進而影響購買意願。


With the maturity of smart phones and wearable devices, the average age of people is rising year by year. Apps are not only accessible to young people. There are many apps that make people love them, but there are more apps that cannot attract users. What properties should an app have to arouse the will of silver-haired users? This research attempts to explore the factors that influence the purchase intention of silver-haired apps from the perspective of the relative advantages, compatibility, complexity, price impact, environmental impact and cognitive variables of apps. This research uses innovation diffusion theory as the main axis, and divides users into five stages based on personal innovation characteristics. A total of 165 valid questionnaires are collected. After statistical analysis of the questionnaires, the research conclusions are as follows: 1. Relative advantages in innovation diffusion theory, Compatibility and complexity, only "compatibility" will make the silver hair family have a significant impact on the app purchase intention 2. The price of the app will make the silver hair family have a significant impact on the app purchase intention 3. App perception Interesting will make the silver-haired people have a negative impact on the app purchase intention 4.The personal innovation characteristics of the silver-haired people will have a significant impact on relative advantages, compatibility, complexity, price impact, environmental impact, and cognitive variables, that in turn affect the purchase intention


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