  • 學位論文


The relationship among attachment styles, differentiation of self, negative emotion, and the quality of intimate relationship for the undergraduates in a romantic relationship

指導教授 : 涂珮瓊


研究背景與目的:Erikson認為19-30歲時,個體的發展任務為建立親密關係,若是無法完成此一任務,親密關係的問題會對此族群造成諸多的心理適應問題。過去許多研究者認為探討親密關係時,應將個體的依附類型考量在內。然而,近來一些研究者對於成人依附型態究竟要採取類別或是向度的分類方式,存有爭議。由於大學期間為個體自我認同尚未鞏固且是個體發展自我分化的重要時機,研究者認為個體的依附風格與自我分化的程度可能皆有助於了解個體在大學階段所發展出與他人的親密關係品質和負向的情緒狀態。從Bowen的自我分化觀點和近年來的實證結果來看,本研究主張大學生的依附風格可能會影響個體的自我分化程度,進而造成大學生在負向情緒與親密關係品質的差異。因此,本研究旨在探討大學生的依附風格、自我分化、負向情緒與親密關係品質之關聯性。本研究將採用Brennan的依附向度觀點區分大學生的依附風格,並檢驗不同的依附風格組在負向情緒與親密關係品質的差異,來說明此種分類系統所區分出來的依附風格是否有其各自的意涵。此為本研究的第一個研究目的。再者,本研究也將納入不同的自我分化向度,以檢驗自我分化在依附風格與負向情緒、親密關係品質中所扮演的角色,此為本研究的第二個研究目的。 研究方法:本研究為橫斷式研究,主要選取曾有戀愛經驗的大學生當作研究對象。本研究共招募了557位名大學生,扣除無戀愛經驗、拒答、漏答或非異性戀愛取向者,完成本研究的大學生共410位。研究工具以自陳量表為主,包含:關係經驗量表、自我分化量表、愛情關係品質量表、情緒自評量表,以分別測量本研究中的依附風格、自我分化、親密關係品質與負向情緒之概念。 研究結果:(1)驗證性因素分析的結果顯示自我分化量表的因素結構並不支持Lam與Chan-So(2015)的五因素構念以及Skowron與Schmitt(2003)的四因素構念。本研究進一步以探索性因素分析結果發現,自我分化量表可抽取出四個因素,分別將之命名為:「情緒主導」、「自我立場的主張」、「情感逃離」以及「被父母主導」,整體變異解釋力為34.31%。(2)群組分析的結果顯示個體的焦慮與逃避依附傾向可分成四種依附風格類型,分別命名為「安全依附」、「焦慮依附」、「排除依附」、「害怕依附」,人數比率分別為28.5%、26.1%、27.3%、18%。此四組依附風格類型在目前交往有無、情緒主導、自我立場的主張、情感逃離、被父母主導、親密關係品質、負向情緒變項上具有顯著差異。(3)路徑分析的結果發現,不同依附風格傾向與親密關係品質及負向情緒的關聯性中,自我分化扮演了中介效果的角色。(4)進一步分析可發現,逃避依附傾向會透過自我分化中的自我立場的主張、被父母主導對親密關係品質產生影響,為部分中介之作用;逃避及焦慮依附傾向皆會透過自我分化中的情緒主導、自我立場的主張間接對負向情緒產生影響,為部分中介的作用;焦慮依附傾向與親密關係品質之關係中,自我分化未具有中介效果。 結論: 本研究發現曾有戀愛經驗的大學生依其焦慮與逃避的依附風格傾向,可區分為四種依附風格類型,其中「安全依附」所占的比率最高,與過去的文獻發現一致,但不安全依附(焦慮、排除、害怕)所佔的比率亦不容小覷,顯示有戀愛經驗的大學生可能在與伴侶的互動表現上皆有部分逃避與焦慮相關議題的困擾。再者,本研究依據自我分化理論區分出四個不同向度的自我分化功能,結果發現不同依附風格傾向對心理適應的差異不會只出現在自我分化的單一向度,這說明了自我分化功能在依附風格與心理適應中具有重要的角色之外,探討自我分化的不同功能將有助於實務工作者調整對於大學生親密關係與心理調適的介入策略和方向。


Background and purpose: According to Erikson’s theory, the developmental task of the age of 19 to 30 is to establish intimate relationships. If the developmental task is not achieved, the immature intimate relationship will cause many adaption problems. Regarding intimate relationship, the majority of researches suggested that different types of attachment style should be taken into consideration. However, there is still a debate about how to differentiate adult attachment patterns. Since the development of differentiation of self is an important issue for the undergraduates, previous researchers argued that investigating the undergraduates’ attachment styles and degrees of differentiation of self may help us to understand their quality of the intimate relationship and negative emotional state. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship among romantic attachment styles, the differentiation of self, the mood status, and the quality of intimate relationship. The proposes of our study are to (1) examine the validity of Brennan’s classification system; and (2) investigate the important role of differentiation of self in attachment style, the mood status, and the quality of intimate relationship. Methods:The total of 410 undergraduates participated in our studies. This study adopted a cross-sectional design, mainly analyzing the undergraduates who have love relationship experience. The Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory, The Chinese version of Differentiation of Self Inventory, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, and the basic information questionnaire were administered to measure the concept of attachment styles, differentiation of self, the quality of intimacy and the mood status. Results:(1) The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that The Chinese version of Differentiation of Self Inventory neither supported the five factors of Lam and Chan-So (2015) or the four factors of Skowron and Schmitt (2003). Moreover, the exploratory factor analysis revealed that The Chinese version of Differentiation of Self Inventory consisted four factors, naming “Guided by emotion”, “Self-positional proposition”, “Emotional avoidance”, and “Guided by parents”, explaining only 34.41% of the variance. (2) According to the cluster analysis, two dimensions of attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance can be divided into four attachment style groups, naming secure (117 people, 28.5%), preoccupied (107 people, 26.1%), dismissing (112 people,27.3%), and fearful (74 people,18%). There were significant differences for these four groups in the “Current in a relationship or not”, “Guided by emotion”, “Self-positional proposition”, “Emotional avoidance”,“Guided by parents”. (3) According to path analysis, the differentiation of self played a role of mediator in the relationship of different attachment styles and the quality of intimate relationship/ mood status. (4) The contribution of attachment avoidance to the quality of intimate relationship was partially mediated through “Self-positional proposition” and “Guided by parents”. The contribution of attachment avoidance and attachment to the mood status was partially mediated through “Guided by emotion” and “Self-positional proposition”, while there is no significantly mediating effect between the attachment anxiety and the quality of intimate relationship. Conclusion:According to our results, the basis of attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety can distinguish the undergraduates into four types of attachment style. Consistent with past researches, our results showed that the secure group had the highest proportion of all. However, the ratio of the insecure attachment groups (preoccupied, dismissing, and fearful) should not be underestimated. Moreover, although there was no significant mediation effect between attachment anxiety and the quality of intimate relationship, our study found that no matter the dimensions of attachment avoidance or attachment anxiety, mood status was affected by “Guided by emotion” and “Self-positional proposition”, the two dimension of differentiation of self. Furthermore, for the individuals with attachment avoidance, the quality of intimate relationship will be affected through “Self-positional proposition” and “Guided by parents”, the two dimension of differentiation of self. Finally, the role of “Guided by parents”, the one dimension of differentiation of self is worthy for further discussion. The different types of attachment style lead to different psychological adaptions, and the relationships between them are not only affected by one domain of differentiation of self. Discussing about dimension of differentiation of self may help practitioners adjust their intervention strategy and direction for undergraduates with psychological adjustment of intimacy.


一、 中文部分
