  • 學位論文


A study on the Website Homepage Vision Imagery using grouping principle

指導教授 : 許子凡


網路發展速度迅速的情況下,網站的數量也持續增長,網頁設計技術的提升也使現今網頁的呈現方法更為多元,本研究利用群化原則分析網站的首頁視覺,從WebDesignClip網站中收集受測樣本,摒除連結失效、連結重複等網站,共計219個網頁樣本。而本研究依據收集到的網頁樣本,經過統計分類後檢視群化原則在網站首頁之設計的使用分佈情況;再以語意分析法了解使用者在觀看不同群化原則的網站首頁後產生的感性意象為何?其產生的意象是否會因性別不同而有所差異?並且了解使用群化原則的網站在美感上的整體評價表現,其表現是否會因性別不同而有所差異?其結果可做為日後建構首頁的設計師或是相關研究學者之參考依據。研究結果如下: 1.群化原則在網站首頁之設計使用的分佈情況為相似性使用最為頻繁,其次為接近性。 2.使用者在觀看網頁首頁後,會因使用不同群化原則而使網站產生的感性意象也有所不同;而性別也會因群化原則使用的不同而產生意象上的差異。 3.在觀看使用不同群化原則的網站時,使用者美感評價上的結果是有差異的,而不同性別在美感評價上的結果也有所不同。


Under the circumstances of rapid development of Internet,the number of websites is continuously growing. And the improving skill of designing websites makesthe way websites present be more diverse. The study uses Grouping to analyze the visual presentation of different home pages. Website samples are collected from WebDesignClip. After dismissing the website which has invalid and repeated links, altogether the study choses 219 website samples. The study is based on these website, which go through some statistical analysisto view how Groupingdistributes on the designing of home pages. Then the study uses Method of Semantic Differential to know website users’ Kansei Image after viewing home pages with different Grouping principles. Whether the Kansei Image be different between gender? And the study try to find out whether gender will influence the evaluation of websites which uses Grouping. The results can be used as the reference for constructing home pages and related research scholars. The results are as below: 1.The similarity is used most often in Grouping in home pages’ design, followed by the proximity. 2.After website users viewing the home pages, their Kansei Image will differ as the website using different Grouping principles. Gender can also influence the different image when the home pages using different Grouping. 3.When website users viewing websites which with different Grouping principles, the result of their aesthetic feelings are different. Gender will also influence the result of aesthetic feeling.


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