  • 學位論文


The operating performance evaluation of Taiwan's semiconductor companies: Role of debt ratio

指導教授 : 吳博欽


摘要 近年來國際半導體IC設計公司處於激烈的國際競爭環境,稍稍不慎即被競爭者所吞噬淘汰。因此,衡量公司競爭力及經營效率更顯得重要。 本研究以台灣半導體IC設計產業為研究對象,挑選出33間IC設計公司並參考 Fried et al.(1999)四階段 DEA 模型及 Färe et al. (1994)Malmquist 生產力指數法,建構三階段 Malmquist 生產力指數模型,本文以企業舉債之比例代替環境變數,探討公司的負債比,對生產決策的影響,以真實反映我國IC設計產業於 2010 至 2014 年間效率與生產力之間的比較及績效。從參考負債比及非負債比之歷年各公司經營績效中得知,將負債比納入考量後偉詮電、揚智、聚積及昂寶的績效不再是最佳,顯見未考量負債比率之影響下的技術效率及生產力會有錯估的情形發生,所得之經營績效並不可靠。 此外,研究發現,平均規模效率大於平均純技術效率來看,藉此得知半導體IC設計產業廠商的技術無效率主要是來自純技術無效率,顯示研發、核心技術製程,皆為影響半導體IC設計公司競爭力的關鍵之一。另外,使用DEA研究得到的結果有明顯的差異,即生產要素組合上的技術問題;而造成生產力衰退的原因可能與技術的退步及停滯有很大的關係。在IC設計產業發展快速的今日加上內地的大量收購與投資的環境,整體而言,在產業結構快速變化的今日,台灣廠商更需加強公司本身技術的創新及應用,以確保有良好的國際競爭力。 關鍵詞:IC設計、半導體、效率、生產力、資料包絡分析法、負債比率、經營績效


Abstract From the past few years. IC design companies are in the highly competition of the international market. Merger and acquisition are always happen and frequently. Ergo, the measure model of Competitiveness and business efficiency are being the key of the research. This research evaluated 33 IC design companies in the Taiwan. By reference to the Fried et al.(1999) four step model of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and performance evaluation of Färe et al. (1994)Malmquist to build performance index model. This research focus on Debt Ratio of company to be an environment argument for analysis economy of IC design market by compared the performance evaluation and production decision from 2010 to 2014 history report. According to the environment of debt ratio and non-debt ratio by the history performance. That perform the evaluation error situation if it only take care about technical performance and production performance. (Weltrend,Ali,Macroblock,ON Bright Electronics ...etc.) In addition, when consider scale efficiency and pure technical efficiency in the research. Scale efficiency mostly big than pure technical efficiency. That shows non-technical efficiency mostly come from pure technical efficiency argument. Therefore, technical research and core technology improvement are the key competitiveness of IC design companies. The DEA result also telling the technical issue cause the production issue, and productions reduce also related with technical has no progress or improvement. In addition to the market of IC design is moving fast, acquisition and investment by China is also effete this environment. In conclusion. Taiwan's companies should improve the innovation and technology of the product to win the position of IC design area, this is a way to lead IC design companies to become stronger and competiveness. Keywords: IC design, Semiconductor, Efficiency, Productivity, Data envelopment analysis, DEA, Debt ratio, Operating performance


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