  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Protection Coordination of The Power Supply System for Taipei Rapid Transit System

指導教授 : 何金滿


摘 要 以先進國家為例,捷運系統對都會區的交通流暢,確有顯著的功效,故歐美各國很早就開始發展整體性之捷運系統,台灣為一山多平原少之島國,就業人口多集中於都會區,造成都會區運輸網路密集,傳統的公路網運輸,因受限於行車號誌、行人、車輛...等因素,縱使增加大量車輛,仍不能解決交通擁擠問題,故其重要性就不如鐵路運輸,而鐵路運輸又分傳統的火車與捷運電聯車,惟傳統的鐵路運輸,其功能僅適合作長途運送,不能解決都會區交通問題,都會區之捷運系統以電聯車為主,而電聯車使用之電力輸送可分為架空與第三軌供電二種方式,優劣須視相關環境而定。姑不論此,但為確保電聯車行駛與運轉之安全,整個電力系統,必須有一個穩定的供電架構。在電力系統裡,各種意外事故所造成故障,須靠良好的保護電驛針對故障時之異常狀態,適時做出可靠的動作,並選擇操作有關斷路器以隔離故障區域,使異常限制於最小區域範圍內,同時使正常部份繼續供電,以維持整個電力系統之穩定運轉。因此,系統保護電驛、斷路器、PT、CT及相關控制迴路必須經常維持在良好的狀態,以備不時之需。而電驛保護之設計技術,可以說是一種藝術,主後衛保護間須取得協調。在實務設計時,保護設備如斷路器的啟斷時間、保護電驛的動作特性及計量器(PT、CT)之誤差,都是必需考慮的重要因素。


protective relay


Abstract For developed countries, subway systems significantly improve the traffic flow in metropolitan areas. It has been more than one hundred years since United States and European countries developed integrated public rapid transit systems. Taiwan is a mountainous island and most of the population is located in several metropolitan areas around the island. Traffic congestion has been a chronic problem in those areas which can not be solved easily by creating more efficient traffic control, increasing road areas, etc. Therefore railroad transportation becomes an important means of improving metro traffic situation. Railroad transportation has two categories: traditional trains and metro rapid transits (also known as subways). Traditional trains serve best to provide long distance transportation but help little in solving inner city traffic congestion, while rapid transit systems are targeted to provide smooth and rapid transportation in urban areas. Metro rapid transit systems mainly consist of trains powered by electricity. Depending on environment, electricity can be supplied to trains in two different ways: supply from overhead or supply using the third track. The electricity system needs to have a stable supply structure to ensure smooth and safe operation of the rapid transit system. Any malfunction of the electricity supply system needs to be isolated using proper operation of protective relays depending on each specific malfunctioning scenario. In addition, electricity interruption should be limited to the smallest area possible by means of the operation of circuit breakers while maintaining regular power supply for the rest of the system. Therefore protective relays, circuit breakers, PT, CT, and related control circuits must be maintained in ideal situation in case of emergency situations. The design of protective relay systems in a rapid transmit power system is a critical and delicate task. The main and backup protections need needs to be coordinated. In practical design, protective features like the switching time of circuit breakers, characteristics of protective relays, and the tolerance of PT and CT are all important factors to be considered.




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