  • 學位論文


A study of mental model transition and adaptation in machine operations

指導教授 : 林久翔


在精密工業及自動控制技術未臻完善之前,所謂的金屬加工或成型,僅僅是靠著數種基本的工具機,由操作人員分別運用車、銑、刨、鑽、剪、壓、鋸等機具與技巧,製作出所需的五金構件,然而金屬的加工或成型,並非能由單一機具所完成,通常須透過許多不同特性的工具機分別加工,而在一般較小型的工廠中,多是由ㄧ人獨立完成,也就是須由一人連續操作多種工具機。 然而各項工具機的工作特性及操作方式均不同,人員在連續操作不同工具機作業時所產生的心智模式轉換與適應性的問題,均明顯影響著人員操作績效,甚或工作安全,因而變成一個人們時常忽略卻又十分貼合人因工程的課題。 因此希望經由本研究中設計的二項實驗,由受測者針對三種特定的工具機,在不同操作順序的比較下,證明心智轉換所產生的影響,從實驗中我們也的確發現了當連續操作兩作業軸向與工作屬性均相反,而手部動作卻相似的工具機時(如實驗中的車床與銑床),會明顯產生不適應的問題。 另外透過測試於連續使用前述兩種工具機作業時的生產速率比較中,探討其他可能影響適應性的外在因子,進而找出一個可有效運用的預測模式,並期能將此ㄧ經驗及數據發散,做更廣泛、更有效之運用。


Most metal processing and forming are currently conducted on basic machinery operated by workers using techniques such as lathing, milling, planing, drilling, cutting, pressing and sawing etc, most of which lack consideration in precision and automatic control. However, tasks of metal processing and forming usually involve multiple machines with various functions. In small to mid-sized factories, most of these tasks are performed by a single worker who operates several machines consecutively. Because these machines have different functions and operations, the worker’s mental model and adaptability shift with each machine he/she operates. The shift results in significant performance gap, sometimes even bringing forth workplace safety concerns, presenting an often neglected but urgent ergonomic issue. In light of this, the study with its two experiments aims to identify the effects of mental model conversion. The experiments show that, when the worker operates two machines with reverse operation patterns and attributes yet similar hand movements, adaptability is dramatically and adversely affected. Besides, comparing the efficiency of productivity from operating two such machines, the study delves into other exterior factors that can affect adaptability to find an applicable forecast model, seeking to apply these findings into extensive and effectual use.


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