  • 學位論文


Portfolio Optimization Considering Conditional Value-at-Risk under Approximated Tail Distribution

指導教授 : 張國華


在金融產品創新的潮流下,風險管理逐漸受到投資者的重視,在實務上,風險值(Value-at-Risk)已是財金機構管理資產風險時的重要工具。但是由於風險值不具備一致性的特性,使得它在用來衡量資產組合風險時有許多限制。而條件風險值(Conditional Value-at-Risk)的提出正好解決了風險值在投資組合方面的問題。 由於投資者所關注的是下方風險,因此本研究將考慮在近似尾端分佈下,以條件風險值作為風險的限制,建立優於市場的投資組合。本研究應用了Pair-copula方法建立了近似尾端分佈,在此分佈之下,分別以投資組合的偏態以及三階隨機優勢的方式建立其投資組合。 在本研究中,為了反應市場變化,我們選取了摩根台灣股價指數(MSCI Taiwan Index)成份股之中的20支股票,作為投資標的,並和大盤指數比較其績效。最後驗證結果證實,考慮尾端分佈條件下,以條件風險值作為風險控制的方法確實能建立波動穩定且優於市場的投資組合。


Recently, Risk management is more and more important for investors. Value-at-Risk has become the important tools for financial institution when managing the risk of asset. Because the Value-at-Risk is not the coherent measure, it has some restriction on measuring risk of portfolio. The conditional Value-at-Risk is the coherent measure and it can solve the optimization of portfolio. The investors usually concern about the downside risk. In this thesis, we take the conditional Value-at-Risk to be the constraint of the risk by using the approximated tail distribution. We consider the Pair-copula dependence structure when simulating the future return. Finally, we establish the portfolio by the skewness of the portfolio and third-order stochastic dominance. In this thesis, we choose the combination of MSCI Taiwan Index and compare its performance with the Taiwan-Weighted Stock Index. We denote the combination as model 1、model 2 and model 3. The results verify that the performance of these model is better than the performance of the Taiwan-Weighted Stock Index by using conditional Value-at-Risk.


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余子潔(2015)。遭受職場暴力後加護病房護理人員情緒智力與情緒反應相關性探討 -以南部某醫學中心為例〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2015.00146
