  • 學位論文


The Spirit Baptism perspective in Pentecostal Pneumatology

指導教授 : 謝品彰


聖靈的洗和方言的憑據自始就是五旬節運動的核心教義。實際上,此教義肇始於聖經的查考,而非奠基於經驗之上,歷史顯示五旬宗亦頗為重視聖經,惟其釋經方法屢遭質疑。五旬宗時常被批評從《使徒行傳》抽出所謂四段或五段「關鍵經文」,並憑藉「歷史先例」和「聖經類比」等方法建立教義。顯然,五旬宗的釋經根植於早期基要主義和聖潔運動的釋經學。但這種方法業已過時,而且阻擋五旬宗與其它教派的交流與對話。 然而,這個狀況近來已有極大轉變。自1970年代左右鄧雅各(James Dunn)的 Baptism in the Holy Spirit與布魯納(Frederick Bruner)的 A Theology of the Holy Spirit相繼出版,激發了新一代的五旬宗學者起來做積極的神學反省,而且此時的五旬宗學術正開始萌芽,他們已能用具學術水準的論點做回應。這些年輕的五旬宗聖經學者指出不僅是歷史家,也是神學家。而且路加聖靈論不同於、且又與保羅聖靈觀互補。路加聖靈觀與先知靈感息息相關,但他未曾將救恩歸因於聖靈的工作,意即路加聖靈觀是靈恩的或先知靈感的。但是華人教會及學界對這些研究成果幾近一無所知。本論文旨在以路加聖靈觀的研究論證五旬宗靈洗教義的聖經理據以及合法性,向華人基督徒介紹這些五旬宗學界近期關於靈洗的學術探討以及此議題的典範轉移,並期望引起華人基督教學界的關注。


Baptism in the Holy Spirit and evidential tongue have been the central doctrine of Pentecostalism from the beginning of this movement. Pentecostal doctrine of Holy Spirit in fact began at a Bible study meeting rather than established on the basis of experience. History can demonstrate that Pentecostals also pay much attention to the Bible. However, their hermeneutical methods have been deemed problematic. Pentecostals have been criticized of picking the so-called four or five key passages from the book of Acts to establish their doctrine and rely on “historical precedent” and “biblical analogy”. Apparently, Pentecostal hermeneutics was rooted in early Fundamentalism and Holiness movements’ hermeneutics. This method is now outdated tends to hinder the interchange and dialogue with non-Pentecostals/Charismatics. However, this situation has dramatically shifted. Since 1970s, the publication of James Dunn’s Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Frederick Bruner’s A Theology of the Holy Spirit have stimulated a burst of creative theological reflection by Pentecostal biblical scholars. Furthermore, at this time, Pentecostal scholarship was on the arise, they already had outstanding academic ability to respond to criticism from outsiders. These young Pentecostal scholars showed that Luke is not only a historian but also a theologian. In addition, Lukan pneumatology is different from, although complementary to Pauline pneumatology. Lukan pneumatology is connected with prophetic inspiration; he does not attribute the soteriological dimension to the Spirit. This is to say, Lukan pnuematology is charismatic or prophetically inspirational. But, Chinese Church almost knows nothing about these current researches and arguments. This thesis is to introduce these new arguments of contemporary Pentecostal scholarship and the paradigm shift of Pentecostal Holy Spirit theology to the broader Chinese Church.


———. Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism, and American Culture. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1993.
Bruce, F. F. The Books of Acts. The New International Commentary on the New Testament, Grand Raids: Eerdmans, 1989.
Bruner, Frederick D. A Theology of the Holy Spirit: The Pentecostal Experience and the New Testament Witness. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1970.
Burgess, Stanley M., ed. The New International Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
Cox, Harvey. Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Pentecostal Spirituality and the Reshaping of Religion in the Twenty-First Century. London: Cassell, 1996.
