  • 學位論文


A study of reading interface on computer screen

指導教授 : 林久翔


使用者在閱讀螢幕顯示的資訊時,通常會使用滑鼠滾輪、鍵盤和捲軸等介面工具。利用這些工具來移動調整文字位置,方便閱讀時的舒適及理解。但這些傳統常用介面工具,並不見得完全滿足需求。故針對滑鼠滾輪、切換頁按鍵,在操作上的不精確,以及影響視覺疲勞的缺點,另行設計「可調式行距之切換頁按鍵」,以克服前二者的缺點。 本研究探討傳統捲動式與翻頁式,以及改良後的翻頁式介面工具,其視覺作業績效與視覺疲勞是否有所改善,使用者是否喜歡使用之相關問題。在字體為12pt、字型為新細明體、行距為雙倍行距,以及文行長度為30個中文字元的模擬閱讀介面中,比較不同的介面工具,如:滑鼠滾輪、切換頁按鍵,與改良設計的「可調式行距之切換按鍵」,這三者之間對於視覺績效、視覺疲勞,與使用者是否喜歡的應變數之影響。 研究結果顯示,「可調式行距之翻頁」介面工具的操作回溯率遠低於滑鼠滾輪、切換頁按鍵。不同介面對閱讀速度的影響並不大。總體來說,使用者喜歡使用「可調式行距之翻頁」介面工具,勝過滑鼠滾輪、切換頁按鍵的介面工具。 本研究對於新設計的「可調式行距之翻頁」,建議改良灰階遮罩,避免切換頁造成閃爍,以期降低閱讀時的視覺疲勞。


User usually uses interface tools such as mouse wheel, keyboard and scrollbar when reading information from screen. Moves the adjustment writing position using these tools, facilitates time reading comfortable and the understanding. But these traditional commonly used interface tool doesn’t meets the need completely. Therefore in view of the mouse wheel, page down/ up, is not precise in the operation, as well as the shortcoming of influence of the visual fatigue. So design “fix-range” for overcoming the two's shortcoming. This research discuss the traditional scrolling, paging tool and the improvement “fix-range” interface tool about its visual performance achievements and visual fatigue whether to have the improvement, whether the user does like the interface tool. In the typeface is 12pt, the font for new thin Ming Ti, the row spacing is the double row spacing, as well as the article line length is in 30 Chinese character simulation reading interface, compared with different interface tool, for example: The mouse wheel, page down/ up, “fix-range” with the improvement design, these three between regarding visual performance, visual fatigue, with user whether to like influence of the dependant variable. The findings showed that “fix-range” the interface tool's operation rebacking rate to be lower than the mouse wheel, page down/ up. Various interfaces are not big to reading speed's influence. Generally speaking, the user likes using “fix-range” more than mouse wheel, page down/ up interface tool. This research suggested that improve the gray shade for declining visual fatigue


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