  • 學位論文

知識管理與研發創新關係之研究: 以高科技產業研發部門為例

A Study of Relationships between Knowledge Management and R&D Innovation : The Case of the R&D Departments of High-Technical Industry

指導教授 : 皮世明


現代人生活中愈來愈少不了高科技產品的輔助。「汰換速度快」、「新奇」是高科技產品明顯的表徵,這些因為獨特設計而勝出的產品在發想的階段需要的是來自各方的想像力和刺激。高科技產業是政府發展的重點產業,面對競爭環境的快速變化和不確定性,對於研發部門的倚賴也變得愈來愈重要及關鍵。高科技產業對人才及資本之著重,以及能有效創造、累積與傳遞知識的資訊設備之依賴,使得資本、人才、技術以及知識成為高科技產業的必備生存要素。 知識被認為是高科技產業的關鍵資源之一。研發的唯一產出是知識,而對於研發的成功,知識也應該由關鍵來源搜集而來。因為這種環環相扣的關係,無論企業內外部知識皆必須被加以管理及運用以加值成為具創新性的資源。當企業投入資源在實施組織中知識管理活動時,對於依賴研發部門的高科技產業提昇研發能力及創新的影響為何? 本研究之研究目的在探討知識管理促成因子、知識創造過程及研發創新績效三者之間影響關係。研究對象為高科技產業研發部門,以結構方程模式(SEM)作為分析方法,檢定各變數間的路徑關係、估計衡量參數、整體模式的契合度。所使用的統計軟體為Visual PLS 1.04與SPSS 10.0。本研究之研究結果發現:(1)知識管理促成因子之文化、組織結構、知識來源、資訊技術會正向影響知識創造過程;(2)知識創造過程會正向影響研發創新績效。 關鍵字:高科技產業、知識管理、創新、研發部門


High-Technology (High-tech) product is becoming a necessity of modern life. Hi-tech products are usually characterized by innovativeness and short product life cycle. Product with unique design that defeats others requires imagination and stimulus during the brainstorm stage. Hi-tech industry is also the focused industry where government has significant emphasis for development. Facing the rapid changes and uncertainties of a competing environment, dependency on research and development department (R&D) is becoming more and more important and is becoming the key element for success. Hi-tech industry’s focus on human resources and capital; reliance on information system that can efficiently create, accumulate, and communicate knowledge has turned: capital, human resources, technology, and knowledge into the critical-to-survival elements on high-tech industry. Knowledge is considered to one of high-tech industry’s key resources. The only real product produced from R&D is knowledge. For R&D to be successful, knowledge must be obtained from key sources. Due to the interlocking relationship, knowledge from within and also external of an enterprise must be managed and utilized in order to provide value as an innovative resource. When an enterprise devotes resources to implement the organization’s knowledge management activity, what are the influences on enhancing R&D ability and innovation from a high-tech industry that relies on R&D? This research adopt Structural equation modeling (SEM) to probe the correlation among Knowledge Management Enablers, Knowledge Creation Processes, Innovative Performance on research and development department in Hi-Tech industries. The statistics software is Visual PLS 1.04 and SPSS 10.0. The results are: (1) Knowledge Management Enablers (culture, Structure, knowledge source, Information Technology) positively influences Knowledge Creation Processes; (2) Knowledge Creation Processes positively influences the innovative performance. Keywords:Hi-Tech industry, Knowledge Management, Innovation, Research and Development Department


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