  • 學位論文

全面服務品質績效評估模式之建立─ 多架構觀點

Modeling a Multiple Structure System of Evaluation on Service Quality Performance

指導教授 : 顧志遠


複雜且大型服務企業在評估多事業單位或事業體服務品質表現時,高層主管往往缺發一個兼具整體性(global)與特殊性(local)的評估方法,為克服此一問題本研究從多元觀點出發,採用Guh(1997)發展的層級一致分析法(Hierarchy Consistency Analysis; HCA)建構出一整合多架構之服務品質績效評估層級模式。 本研究分別從傳統服務品質、內部服務品質以及以IT為基礎的服務品質(包含線上服務品質)的文獻探討中,利用內容分析法萃取出適合於評估現代服務品質的13個指標作為層級模式建構的底層屬性,以此向上建構出四個服務品質績效評估之層級架構,並於銀行業中挑選多次榮登天下服務500大的個案A公司,調查中階主管對於本模式中各準則構面相對重要性的評比,最後利用HCA此一求取多個評估架構之一致性權重技術進行本模式的驗證。 本研究貢獻不僅提供實務經理人一個彈性且量化的服務品質績效評估模式,也對HCA此多架構評估權重技術進行更深一層的探討,發現HCA即便在面對不同評估標地情境下,具備可共用相同概念之評估準則構面的優點,因此可應用在具有多來源評估對象之現今服務品質的衡量。


In order to overcome the problem of service quality evaluation which oucers in multiple business units for complexity and large service enterprise and provide top level decision maker an evaluated method which covers global and local situations, this paper used Hierarchy Consistency Analysis developed by Guh(1997) to establish a multiple hierarchy structure and integrate different viewpoints from each person. Authour first used content analysis to extract 13 criteria which originated from the references on traditional service quality, internal service quality and IT-based service quality(includes on-line service quality)to be the common bottom attributions for different hierarchy structures and then adopted bottom up way to establish four different hierarchy structures of service quality evaluation. Finally, authour surveyed one of well known banks to do the empirical study by HCA for the multiple service quality evaluated model we presented. In this study, authour not only proposed a flexible and quantification model on service quality evaluation but further discussed the HCA methodology for implication. We find that HCA methodology has advantage for assess different objects under using common criterion.


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