  • 學位論文


A Study on NPO’s Fund-Raising Information Disclosure

指導教授 : 林江亮


非營利組織之資金募集資訊揭露是爭議已久卻一直沒有定論的議題,而國內有關之深度研究亦不充足。本論文欲透過比較研究法中的文獻法,藉由彙整國內外之相關文獻、法規,從美國及中國非營利組織對資訊揭露之經驗,來對台灣非營利組織資金募集資訊公開之議題做初步之研究。   本研究係參照國內公開發行公司之公開說明書,類推國內非營利組織或可以「公益勸募條例」為法源,建立「公益勸募說明書」,使非營利組織在執行公益使命時,有適當且公開的資金募集平台,並使捐贈人的捐贈用途獲得適當的保障,本研究結論與建議如下:   首先,為避免非營利組織違反設立宗旨,濫用捐贈資金,主管機關應建立非營利組織資金募集資訊揭露之法律規範,法定保障捐贈人權益,並明定非營利組織應公開揭露之必要事項及相關罰則規定。   其次,建立非營利組織資金募集管道,如同營利事業,當資金缺乏時,可透過現金增資、發行公司債、私募等方式募集資金,非營利事業亦可相對地透過公開勸募、發行公益債券、私募捐款等方式進行募勸,同時給予免稅優惠的適用條件,將有助於非營利組織的發展,更可提昇社會整體福利。   再者,參照美國非營利組織,設立非營利組織統一監督機構,由該機構對所有非營利組織進行信用評等,並公開揭露其評等結果,可做為捐贈人捐款之參考。   最後,非營利組織應於主管機關指定網站或公益網站,定期及不定期地揭露組織的財務及非財務資訊、勸募計畫執行情形及結果與募款資金用途等,透過資訊透明度的提昇,使非營利組織能更長久經營。 關鍵字:非營利組織、資金募集、資訊揭露


Information disclosure on fund raising of non-profit organizations has long been a debatable issue, with lack of in-depth research domestically. Using literature method in research comparison methodology and referring to the experience of non-profit organizations in America and China, the paper gives a preliminary study on information disclosure of non-profit organization in Taiwan. In reference to public statements of domestic listing companies, this paper recommends domestic non-profit organizations to build Non-Profit Organization Plan, basing on Charity Fund Raise Article. It will allow non-profit organizations to have an adequate and open fund raising platform and to ensure the purpose is served properly. This paper recommends the followings: To prevent the violation and abuse of funding principles of non-profit organizations, the governing body should set up guidelines on information disclosure of fund raise, donators’ rights protection, and violation penalties. When low in funding, profit organizations raise funds through channels, such as arrange cash injection, corporate bond, and private funding. Non-profit organizations may also raise funds via public and private funding, and issuance of charity bond. Offering tax-free brackets will encourage the expansion of non-profit organizations and upgrade the social benefit system. To offer reference to donation-makers, this paper suggests the creation of one supervising agency to conduct credit check and release evaluation results on non-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations should disclose its financial and non-financial data, fund raising plans and purposes regularly and during different intervals on the designated websites and, by increasing information transparency, hope to ensure continuous operation by increasing information transparency. Keywords: Non-Profit Organization, Fund Raising, Information Disclosure


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