  • 學位論文


An example of Java Programming in a Semantic Grid-Based Ubiquitous Learning Environment

指導教授 : 廖慶榮


現今的學習管理系統,都針對於課程本身的支援,但對於異質性的學習管理系統,並無法相互整合其學習記錄,為解決此問題,乃至於發展了普適學習格網,用以解決在無所不在的學習環境中,針對各種不同學習者、裝置及時空因素間調適上的困難。 本研究以語意格網為基礎之普適學習環境為基礎,並加入一組本體論,來對學習環境進行調適及進行適切的推論與判斷,以Java程式設計課程為例,採用個案模擬的方式,依照不同學習者的背景參數(可用學習時間、學習地點、已習得之能力),將參數輸入本體論伺服器,透過學習本體論與脈絡感知本體論的推論之下,將提供學習者一個適性化的學習內容,並於學習結束後,儲存學習者能力參數資訊,以利學習者再次進行學習行為時之推斷。 本研究探討以本體論為基礎,依據情境參數,推論學習者行為,並提供適性化的課程,有助於發展無縫學習環境,以期能夠為學習者創造一個無論在任何地點環境、任何學習載具,都能夠來給予適性化的學習服務之普適學習環境。


According to the modern learning management system to support most curriculum. But the heterogeneity of the learning management system can not integrate learning records. In order to solve this problem thus develop the pervasive learning grid, targeting a variety of different learners , devices and space to adjust. The objective of the study is to propose a feasible solution which based of Pervasive-based learning environment for semantic grid . Use ontology to the learning and adapt appropriate for the logic and judgment. Use Java programming to develop ontology system as the example. These parameters according to learners of background input to ontology system. Through the study will provide adaptive material for learners and collect the information of learning parameter. The information are useful to infer the next curriculum for learner. In order to understand the feasibility of this research, it is taking Mobile Learning Grid with ontology to offer adaptive courses on seamless learning environment.


Learning Grid Pervasive learning Ontology


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