  • 學位論文

以任務型導向教學法為主,實施不同任務 在會話課中對大學生口語學習的影響

The Effect of Implementing Different Cooperative Task Types of Task-based Instruction on Speaking Learning in College English Conversation Class

指導教授 : 李家遠


摘要 在過去數十年來,「任務型導向教學」儼然已成為語言學習中重要的教學法,「任務型導向教學」是以學習者為中心及目標為導向的教學法,學生藉由日常生活中的情境去使用語言,達到有效的學習效果(Brown, 2001; Nunan, 2004)。透過「任務型的學習」,學生有更多的學習機會,藉由小組的合作幫助他們提升學習動機和增加自我的信心。然而,在台灣英語學習環境中,在升學壓力的競爭下,口語能力的培養也已成為另一項重要的學習指標,但大部分的台灣學生仍不願意開口說英文,課堂中也沒有良好的學習環境讓學生練習。因此,此研究宗旨主要藉由使用不同的任務型態,幫助學生訓練口語能力,使學生能夠在真實的情境當中,有效的學會語言的使用。 此篇研究主要探討:(1) 利用三種不同的任務型態如:議題討論、回答問題和圖像描述去協助學生口語能力的養成;(2)學生對於團體學習的看法;(3)三種不同任務型態的影響和特色。三十九位大二學生參與此項研究,他們在每一堂會話課中,從事三種不同任務型態的口語訓練,採取小組討論的方式進行,每一次的訓練長達二十分鐘,活動的內容以老師教科書的內容加以延伸。在研究的一開始和結束,學生都將填寫前後測問卷及參與前後測口語能力測驗,並使用t-test做前後測驗的分析,利用描述性統計和訪談分析去調查學生的學習態度和看法。 研究結果顯示,這些學生口語能力並無顯著差異,但學生在前後的測驗中,成績仍然是有進步。換言之,這樣的學習方式對學生口語能力是有幫助。在問卷和訪談分析的過程中,學生也表示這三種任務確實能幫助他們口語能力的培養,並且提升其學習的動機。90%的學習者都強調希望能在之後會話課中,多一些不同任務的口語練習,學生也指出小組活動能協助他們同儕之間利用英語達到良好的互動,進一步幫助他們培養更好的溝通技巧,和學習自主性,並達到好的學習效果。


Abstract In the past decades, task-based instruction has been regarded as an important teaching method for the development of the language curriculum. With reference to task-based instruction, which is learner-centered and goal-oriented learning context, students are involved in authentic learning and use real-life language to achieve an effective learning outcome. The development of oral communication also has emerged as the most significant component in English learning and teaching context, but, most EFL students are afraid of speaking English in front of others. On one hand, Taiwan is an EFL learning context where students hardly use English outside the classroom. On the other hand, Taiwanese students lack of the training in speaking ability in the classroom because of the influence of competition-oriented entrance examinations. Hence, the development of speaking ability is more difficult than the development of other language skills. This study aims to use three different task types of task-based instruction, such as answering question, picture description and the issues discussion to train students’ speaking ability because task activities are motivational, authentic and easy to understand. In the process of performing a task, students are given a sense of responsibility and a clear learning orientation to reach better learning effectiveness. Learners will have more opportunities to interact with each other and increase their self-confidence to speak English in the course of task completion. Hence, learners’ affective perspectives and learning effectiveness will be enhanced. This present study attempts to investigate: (1) the speaking learning effectiveness of implementing different cooperative tasks, (2) students’ perceptions toward doing these cooperative tasks, (3) the characteristics and influence of three task types. There are 39 sophomore students who enrolled in two English conversation classes of Chung Yuan Christian University and major in applied English department. During the treatment, students are given a task and spend twenty minutes completing each task with their classmates per week. This training lasts nine weeks. In addition, questionnaires were administrated before and after the implementation of all tasks to investigate students’ perceptions toward tasks’ practice and peer-interaction. The contents of interview were also presented to elaborate the results. The findings from pretest and posttest indicate students have progressed, but the result is not extremely significant. As for peer-interaction, students express that their anxiety actually is decreased when they are doing a task with their partners. Once their anxiety is decreased, their learning effectiveness will be improved. In the concepts of three task types, students also think that they feel interested in doing picture description and issue discussion because learners in positive atmosphere are responsible for their learning and are allowed to do revising oral skills by self-reflection. Hence, implementing different cooperative task types really enhances their oral ability.


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