  • 學位論文


Pearl Glory Young and the Spiritual Discipline in “Waiting upon Lord“

指導教授 : 曾慶豹


榮耀秀與林樂道教士於宗教歷史學家所謂「黃金十載」中的1954年被神呼召來到台灣。起初她來到台灣,不是純粹為廣傳福音建立教會,而是為了傳揚她從神單單所領受的亮光。 榮耀秀在世期間,與許多的教會領袖有很好屬靈的交通與事工來往,他們也從榮耀秀得著屬靈的幫助。她所帶領較平和的靈恩追求,也平衡了當時ㄧ些較激烈與極端靈恩運動的追求。除此,榮耀秀所帶領「渴慕神」、「聖靈充滿」及「安靜等候神」的追求聚會,在當時的年代也滿足了許多基督徒心中的饑渴。 榮耀秀提到「聖靈充滿」要藉著「安靜等候神」持守。他更強調群體崇拜中「安靜等候神」的屬靈操練,也強調個人獨處「安靜等候神」的實踐。在群體崇拜中,會眾渴慕耶穌、同聲開口讚美神,神就設立祂的寶座在會眾當中,神豐富的同在也降臨在大會中,此時信徒可以藉「安靜等候神」享受神、與神交通、一同坐席。 「讚美神」、「安靜等候神」與「聖城新耶路撒冷」的建造有關。榮耀秀強調不僅在群體崇拜中操練「安靜等候神」,更重要的是個人獨處及隨時隨在都要留意神的同在、住在主裡。一個信徒若只追求「安靜等候神」的操練,卻沒有生命的對付,他「安靜等候神」操練的根基是非常薄弱的。藉著「安靜等候神」操練與實踐,信徒可以經歷到神在內心裡面所做榮耀生命的改變工作。並且經歷到神的同在、聽見神的聲音(靈裡的聲音與感動),以及禱告、事奉有方向與能力。聖徒不僅可以藉著「安靜等候神」與神親近、享受神,更重要的是神也非常渴慕與聖徒親近。 筆者認為作為台灣錫安堂教會的後進,不僅應該好好的寶貴並學習榮耀秀教士所傳下來「安靜等候神」屬靈操練的資產與亮光,也同樣重要的是要仰望神,明白神因各地區佈道所資源、人員組成、特色之不同而有所新的作為。


Pearl G. Young (1904–1986) and Elisabeth Linda (1911-2003) came to Taiwan in 1954, so called “Golden Decade” of Taiwan Missionary. During the time in Taiwan, Young had sound spiritual communication and co-work with many church leaders. Many church leaders got spiritual help from Young. In that time ,Young preached and practice the message of “Hunger to Jesus”, ”Filled by Holy Spirit, “Waiting upon God” in meeting and everywhere, which not only satisfied many Christian’s hunger in heart but also balance the another extreme of Charismatic movement in Taiwan. Young was well equipped with good bible knowledge when she was young. She ever attended the Theology training course of CMA(Christian Mission Alliance Association), Afterward she went to CMA missionary. After CMA ,She attended CIM (China Inland Missionary) about 20 years to be a missionary. In 1946 she went for New York Ridgewood Pentecostal Church, and experienced the “Baptism of Holy Spirit”. The first special experience changed her whole life minister direction. That is to say, during the time in Taiwan, she insisted on preaching the light of “Through being baptized by Holy to see Jesus Christ in spirit and “Waiting upon God to keep His presence”. Her message of Pentecost is difference to the “Traditional Pentecostal”. She didn’t emphasize the outside phenomenon of Charisma.But emphasize God’s presence only. In same way, she not only emphasize Christian should “Waiting upon God” in group worship, but also personally come near God to keep His presence carefully. God’s presence richly come down when Christian praise and uphold His name, In this moment all people should take time to wait upon God, to quietly come near Him, enjoy Him to share with Him. Through the practicing of “Waiting upon God”, Christian will experience the “Baptism of Holy Spirit, and God’s presence and become more hunger to Jesus Christ. Besides He who waiting upon God will hear the voice of God in spirit, his prayer and minister will get proper direction and power, his life will be changed gradually as Jesus’ glory. The most is God Himself eager to come near to Christian.


44.Galen Weingart 著,〈有牧師帶領及無牧師帶領的貴格會崇拜聚會〉,棣慕華(Charles E.
2. Celebrating Seventy-five Years of God’s Faithfulness to Brooklyn, New York
3. William W. Menzies, The Birth of the Assemblies of God , (USA: Gospel
4.Stephen P. Robbins, Organization Behavior (USA, Prentice-Hall ,Inc,1991).
