  • 學位論文

基於學習者語料庫之「的」字定語教學研究 ─以英語為母語之初級漢語學習者為對象

A Corpus-Based Research on Chinese Adjectival "de" Structure in Beginning Level Chinese for English Native Speakers

指導教授 : 黃麗儀


虛詞為缺乏豐富形態變化的漢語表達語法關係的主要方法之一。根據前人的研究,母語非漢語之學習者因虛詞使用不當而造成的偏誤佔整體語法總偏誤的65%(馬真,2004:6),可見虛詞教學對學習漢語的重要性。其中,不論是口語還是書面語,結構助詞「的」字是使用頻率非常高的虛詞;又,從語義層面、語用功能、教學角度來看,「的」字的隱現不但有其根據及意義,更是學習「的」字定語的一個難點。 本論文在前人研究的基礎上,以四結構-「N+的/Ø+中心語」、「Adj+的/Ø+中心語」、「VP+的/Ø+中心語」、「主謂(小句)+的+中心語」,三語義-表「領屬關係」、「修飾關係」、「屬性關係」的定語為框架,針對鄧守信教授(1997)中介語料庫中以英語為母語之初級漢語學習者所表現「的」字定語進行分析探討。透過中介語料分析,瞭解初級漢語學習者對「的」字定語的學習困難,並從母語、教材、目的語等方面,探索初級漢語學習者發生偏誤的原因,以助其在習得過程中盡量避免這些因素的負面干擾。 從1,727例「的」字定語的中介語料中發現,學習者以「N+的/Ø+中心語」結構(94.2%)與表「領屬關係」之「的」字定語(94.5%)的掌握度最佳,且大量使用「人稱代詞」(52.8%)進行表述;偏誤率則以「主謂(小句)+的+中心語」結構(17.4%)與表「屬性關係」之「的」字定語(11.9%)最高。在偏誤類型方面,以不該用「的」字而誤用(51.8%)的情況最為嚴重,此結果呼應了肖奚強(2007)的研究,顯示學習者使用「的」字時傾向於「濫用」的可能性;其次是該用「的」字而遺漏的偏誤(29.2%)。筆者進一步從漢英對比分析中發現,漢英修飾語和中心語的相關位置與「的」字隱現等相關問題,對英語母語者學習漢語「的」字定語時產生正負遷移的作用。此外,影響學習者習得的原因還包含:教材對語法點解釋不全、說明不當,目的語特殊、目的語規則泛化、詞語搭配與選擇,和語法規則掌握不足等。 本論文在最後,根據中介語料之呈現、三大初級漢語教材之語法編排與詞彙教授情形,以及語言使用的頻率和話題的連貫性等,規劃出針對初級漢語學習者「的」字定語的教學排序,並以表「領屬關係」之「的」字定語為例,運用「i+1」的原則設計教學,使學習者在原有(目的語)知識的基礎上,建構新的語言知識-「的」字定語的概念。 本論文期望藉由對以英語為母語之初級漢語學習者在「的」字定語上的使用情形作一全面性的探討,以助其降低學習「的」字定語的困難度,為日後的漢語學習奠定良好根基。


Function words are one of the major ways to express the grammatical relation in sentences in Chinese language which does not have rich suffixation system. According to previous literatures, function-word errors made by language learners whose native language is not Chinese have taken 65% of grammatical errors (Ma, 2004: 6). This shows the significance of function words in learning Chinese. Regardless of its spoken form or written form, "de" has always been the most frequently used function word. From the perspectives of semantics, pragmatics and language teaching, the presence and absence of "de" add more problems for Chinese learners. Following previous researches, this paper takes the four structures – the head N. of "N-de/ø", the head N. of "Adj-de/ø", the head N. of "VP-de/ø" and the head N. of "clause-de" – and the three readings – the meaning of possession, the meaning of modification and the meaning of attribute – as the study frame. This study investigates the performance of "de" in Teng's (1997) interlanguage corpus with beginning Chinese learners whose native tongue is English. With the analysis of the interlanguage data, this paper sketches out the difficulties encountered by the beginning Chinese learners on the adjectival “de” structure. Then, this research studies the reasons that lead beginning Chinese learners to the errors due to factors of their native language, the teaching materials and the target language, to help them avoid the negative inference from these factors. In the 1727 entries of adjectival “de” structure from the interlanguage corpus, it is found that learners have best performance with the head N. of "N-de/ø" structure (94.2%) and the meaning of possession (94.5%) with a majority of personal pronoun use (52.8%); the error rate, however, falls on the head N. of "clause-de" structure (17.4%) and the meaning of attribute (11.9%). On the aspect of error types, the most serious problem lies in the contexts where "de" should not be used (51.8%). The result corresponds to Xiao's (2007) research and shows that users abuse the use of "de", while being likely to omit "de" in the context where it is required (29.2%). From the comparative analysis between Chinese and English, we can further find the usage of "de" as well as the relative position of the attributes and heads in both languages, which brought positive and negative transferring effects on the native English-speaking Chinese learners. In addition to that, the factors that affect learners include the short of interpretation or inappropriate explanation on grammatical issues, the uniqueness of the target language, the generalization of target language rules, and being unfamiliar with the collocation of modifiers and the head of target language. At the end of the research, this paper proposes a hierarchical arrangement of the learning of the adjectival “de” structure for beginning Chinese learners, according to the interlanguage data, the arrangement of three major primary Chinese teaching materials, the lecturing in the classroom, the frequency of language use and the coherence of discourse topics. The design of a sample lesson provides examples from the adjectival “de” structure with the meaning of possession and the teaching principle of "i+1", so the learners can acquire the knowledge of the adjectival “de” structure properly, based on their understanding of the target language. By analyzing the use of Chinese adjectival "de" structure in beginning level Chinese for English native speakers comprehensively, the purpose of this thesis is helping Chinese learners to decrease the difficulties of learning adjectival "de" structure and lay a solid foundation for learning Chinese.


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黃素娥(2011)。越南學習者習得華語補語的偏誤分析 及教材設計〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201100942
