  • 學位論文


Material Flow Analysis of Petrochemical Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 何瓊芳


由於石油化學工業(簡稱石化業)為國家重要的基礎工業,是一種資本與能源密集的產業。其產業的關聯性既深且廣,從石油、天然氣煉製,到化學材料、人造纖維、成衣服飾、塑膠製品、合成橡膠、肥料、清潔劑、溶劑等石油化學成品產業,皆與石化業有相當密切的關係,幾乎涵蓋了衣、食、住、行、育、樂日常生活上需要的各種消費品,所以對國家的總體經濟具有相當大的影響力。相較於其他產業,石化工業是屬於高耗能、高污染的產業。因此更有效的使用資源,以減少資源的使用量,並增加資源回收、及減少廢棄物污染物已是當前的重要課題。 本研究係以台灣石化業物料產量及能源使用量為依據,希望透過物質流分析,了解石化業資能源的使用狀況。於是本研究參照Graedal and Allenby在1995年所建立的工業生態模型,將其修改為五個階段的石化業生態模型,並參考詹子慧在2002年對台灣石化業工業生態之研究所運用的部分圖形、代號及計算式,包含了上游物料處理階段、中游物料處理階段、下游物料處理階段、消費者階段、及資源回收階段。 最後本研究對於物質流進行三種情境之分析,比較石化業各種不同情境下,回歸所得結果之差異,並探討其發生原因。另外,我們也對石化業進行生命週期評估,將其作為物質流分析的比較。本研究發現以乙烯當量進行分析的結果較好,是因為以共同的衡量單位減少了重複計算的機會,而物質流分析與生命週期評估所得的結果相似,在圖形上的趨勢是相同的,故可以使用兩個分析工具互相輔助。


Petrochemical industry is an important basic industry for nations which is also capital and energy intensive industry. It has a deep and wide industrial connections from petroleum and gas refinery, chemical materials, man-made fiber, clothing, plastic, synthetic rubber, fertilizer, cleaner, and other industries. The important relationships cover almost consumer products including clothing, food, living transportation, exercise, and leisure that in turn have a greater impact on macroeconomics. Comparing to other industries, petrochemical industry uses more energy and creates more pollution. As a result, how to use resources more effective, to reduce the resource consumption, and to increase resource recycling, and to reduce waste pollution become an important topic. This research is based on the production and energy consumption of Taiwan’s petrochemical materials to understand the current usage of petrochemical resources and energy through material flow analysis. This research use the industrial eco model built by Graedel and Allenby in 1995 and modify the model into five stages of petrochemical eco model and refer to the graphics, symbols, and calculate formula in “The Taiwan Petrochemical Industry Eco Research”done by Chang Tze Hui in 2002. That research included upstream material management stage, midstream material management stage, downstream material management stage, consumption stage, and resource recycling stage. Finally, this research conduct three contexts of material flow analysis to compare the differences in regression result under different contexts and to explore the reasons. Besides, this research conduct life cycle assessment of petrochemical industry an compare it with material flow analysis. This research found that the analysis use an ethylene equivalent yield is better than others. Due to the common units of measurement reduce the duplication of opportunity. The material flow analysis and life cycle assessment resource are similar and their trends in graph are the same too.


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