  • 學位論文


A Study on the Anticipated Transient Without Scram Accident Scenario for Lung-Men Nuclear Power Plant

指導教授 : 鄧治東


自從美國三哩島(Three Mile Island)核能電廠發生事故以來,核能電廠於運轉之安全漸漸受到各界的重視,因而發展許多模擬軟體進行核能電廠之事故下之分析,並藉由電腦模擬軟體的協助,使電廠操作員能夠使用模擬軟體進行事故下模擬及操盤演練,以評估假設性核子事故可能導致之嚴重性。 本論文使用Fauske and Associates, Inc. (FAI)公司所開發之MAAP5程式進行龍門電廠嚴重事故分析。於個案分析中,參照龍門電廠終期安全性分析報告(Final Safety Analysis Report, FSAR)中所描述事故進行模擬分析,隨後,於先前所模擬之個案中加入緊急操作程序書(Emergency Operating Procedures, EOPs),模擬操作人員依照緊急操作程序書所指示,並將發生事故之核電廠導引至安全穩定狀況下。 於論文第六章部份,將個案模擬加入緊急操作程序書,探討操作人員依緊急操作程序書進行電廠救援動作時,灌入不同爐心水位對預期暫態未急停事故之影響。結果顯示,於預期暫態未急停事故下,操作人員必須謹慎控制爐心水位,避免爐心高水位導致爐心功率無法有效下降。於第七章,個案加入緊急操作程序書後,模擬操作員因突發狀況而導致無法即時將消防水注水系統灌入爐心,時間分別延長10 min及20 min,探討一次圍阻體內各區間之變化。於第七章模擬結果顯示,雖然依照緊急操作程序書進行救援得以有效的將核電廠於事故中導引至安全穩定之狀態,但操作員於操作上若有疏失,仍有機會使電廠導致更嚴重的結果。


Since the “Three Mile Island Accident” happened, the safety of nuclear power plants was in doubt. Therefore, a number of simulated softwares were developed to simulate and analyze severe accidents resulting from nuclear power plants. By those softwares, operators can simulate the accidents and evalute the severity resulting from the postuated severe accidents. In this study, the program MAAP5 which was developed by Fauske and Associates was used in analyzing postulated accidents of Lung-Men Nuclear Power Plant (LMNPP). The case being analyzed followed Final Safety Analysis Report, (FSAR of LMNPP), and simulated a number of accident scenarios. Afterward, the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) were included in the cases. Simulated operator actions followed EOPs, intended to lead the nuclear power plant accident into safe and stable situation. In Chapter 6 of this study, EOPs were included in the stimulated cases in order to determine the effect of injection at various core water level for the ATWS scenarios on the progressions of the postulated severe accidents. The result showed that, in ATWS, the operators had to control the water level carefully to avoid the high water level in the core region, causing high power level. In Chapter 7, with the cases including EOPs, the injection of AC-Independent Water Addition (ACIWA) or the so-called firewater system was delayed for 10 min and 20 min to determine the impact of injection delay on the developments of the postulated severe accidents. The results showed that, even though the operator actions could guide the nuclear power plant accidents into safe and stable situation, the accidents would lead to more severe actions if the operator delay injection of water beyond the critical value of 10 min.


Lung-Men MAAP EOPs Severe Nuclear Accidents


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