  • 學位論文


The influence of working memory capacity and working memory load on conscious and unconscious thought in decision making

指導教授 : 趙軒甫


中文摘要 根據無意識思考理論(Dijksterhuis & Norgren, 2006),從事一段時間的分心作業的同時,無意識的思考也正在進行。多篇研究指出,在複雜決策的情況下,相較於有意識的思考,使用無意識的思考可協助個體做出較好的決策,意即使用無意識的思考之個體較能夠區辨最好選項與最差選項之間的差異。但是這種無意識的思考之決策優勢並無法被穩定的驗證,這表示背後可能有其他因素在對這個現象造成影響。本研究旨在探討認知資源對於有意識的思考決策所造成的影響,實驗一為測量個體的工作記憶廣度,實驗二則是操弄個體的工作記憶負荷,透過此二種方式檢驗認知資源對於決策之影響力。研究結果顯示工作記憶廣度與工作記憶負荷均能影響個體的有意識思考之決策表現。能否成功的展現無意識的思考之決策優勢,關鍵在於個體所擁有的認知資源。本研究指出個體在進行決策時認知資源之重要性,並同時呈現過去研究的不一致發現。


決策 無意識思考


Abstract According to the unconscious thought theory (Dijksterhuis & Norgren, 2006), a period of distraction can elicit unconscious thought. It has been demonstrated that participants whose attention was distracted from complex problems made better choices, decisions and judgments than participants who focused their attention on the problem. Such findings demonstrate the benefit of unconscious thinking. However, this effect appears to be not stable. Several groups of researchers reported the failure of replicating this phenomenon. Some factors may be responsible for these conflict results. This paper examined the influence of cognitive resource on conscious thought. Experiment 1 investigated the relationship between working memory span and the performance of conscious and unconscious thinking. Experiment 2 examined the impact of working memory load on the performance of conscious and unconscious thinking. The results demonstrated the important role of cognitive resource.


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