  • 學位論文


The research of the waterproof material applies on R.C structure and the applicable of adhesive coatings

指導教授 : 何仲明


台灣地區屬於海島型氣候,四季有雨,建築物多採用鋼筋混凝土或加強磚造,因此外牆防水亦成不可或缺之工項。以目前坊間施工法分為防水材結構體塗佈、粉刷面層塗佈及結構與粉刷面層混合塗佈等三種方法。然而以結構體塗佈效果最佳,直接將水阻絕於外,減少滲漏的可能性;但防水材與水泥砂漿之間黏著力往往都會被忽略,產生日後粉刷層空心及面材剝離等現象,造成裝修材掉落,影響外觀及下方行人安全等問題。當前學界與業界普遍將研究及工作重點置於外飾面材方向,而底層之附著強度資訊較缺乏,故除外部裝飾之外,底層之黏著力不飭為重點工程,缺一不可。 於結構體塗佈防水材,種類繁多,大致可分為水性及油性產品,本研究採用市面上常用之矽膠質防水劑、水性彈性水泥及油性固德威防水膠等三種材料,分別與1:3純水泥砂漿與一底二度1:3水泥砂漿粉刷黏著力作比較,透過拉拔試驗來探討不同材質及粉刷介面間對於黏著強度(黏著力)之影響。 研究結果重點如下: 1.孔隙為黏著力大小重要因子:孔隙大小與多寡,對於粉刷層黏著力有相當大之影響,孔隙大小及多寡與粉刷層黏著力成正比,結構體外覆防水材後其粉刷層黏著力較未覆防水材之毛面混凝土黏著力低40%~85%。 2.黏著材料之使用(水泥漿)對粉刷層之黏著力有相當大之幫助,選擇以水泥漿做為黏著材料較純1:3水泥砂漿粉刷黏著強度高26%~85%。 3.防水材選用,選用摩擦力較大之材質或增加防水材料表面摩擦力(粗糙度),可助於增加與粉刷層之黏著力,如於防水材料尚未完全乾燥時上覆以細砂增加摩擦力,其外粉刷層黏著力較未添加細砂者高30%。


黏著力 粉刷層


Taiwan is situated between the world’s largest continent (Asia) and largest ocean (Pacific). The climate in Taiwan is subtropical with moderate temperatures. Rains a lot and has a high humidity. Most of the buildings are designed and built by reinforced concrete or reinforced brick masonry. Therefore, it is important to prevent the water leaking from the structure itself. The waterproof coating material structure, paint structure coating, and structure surface paint coating are three types of common ways that we see on construction nowadays. Among others, the waterproof coating material structure can be considered the best result and most efficient way of preventing the leakage and reducing the water leak. However, it is easily to leave out the work of making sure if the waterproof material and cement are perfectly bonded. It would cause the hollow between paint layers and stripped surfaces when two materials are not adhesion on one another. Other issues can also happen, such as decoration materials falling that could cause the safety issue and affect the appearance of buildings. Current academic and industry research work are generally focusing on the exterior facing materials, which still are lacking the knowledge and skill of gaining the strength and force from inside out. In order to approach the goal, the key is to improve the internal adhesive force. There are variety selections of waterproof coating materials. In general speaking, it can be divided into water and oil products. In my research, I used three types of common coating materials that can be found in market: Silicone water repellent, flexible rubber waterproof cement and Good way PU. By doing the experiment to compare the use of 1:3 pure cement mortars and the end of second degree 1:3 cement mortars. Through the pull-out test, we can investigate the interface between different materials and paint effects for the adhesion strength. The results are follows: 1.Pore size is an important factor in adhesive force: Depends on the amount and the pore sizes are, it will affect on the force of painting layer adhesion. Also, the force of painting layer adhesion is proportional to the pore size and the total amount of them. When the structure surface is covering with waterproof material, the force of painting layer adhesion is decreasing 40 to 85 percent compare with non-waterproofed rough surfacing concrete. 2.The use of right adhesion materials (cement) helps on the paint layer of adhesive force and the strength of adhesion is 26 to 85 percent higher when choosing cement as adhesion material than pure 1:3 cement mortar. 3.The selection use of waterproof material, the use of material that has greater friction or to improve the surface friction (roughness) on waterproof material can both increase the adhesive force with the paint layer. For example, adding sand when the waterproof material has not yet completely dried can increase the adhesive force. The paint adhesion layer can be 30 percent higher than those without adding fine sand.


adhesive force structure


1.謝雲金,FRP 成型板應用於RC 屋頂防水隔熱性能之探討,中華大學營建管理研究所碩士論文,2005。


