  • 學位論文


The Effects of Computerized Procedures on Cognitive Workload and Situation Awareness in the Main Control Room of the NPPs

指導教授 : 周永燦


摘要 在核能電廠主控制室的運轉過程中,程序書所扮演的角色是幫助運轉員能夠有效率且準確的執行各種運轉程序,而拜數位資訊科技的進步所賜,程序書的型態也逐漸由傳統紙本程序書更新為電腦程序書,許多關於電腦程序書的研究認為使用電腦程序書能夠使運轉程序的操作更加快速,減少工作負荷及心智負荷及減少操作多重程序時的失誤,但是也可能造成運轉人員過度依賴自動化系統的幫助,使人員在工作上容易鬆懈,造成警覺性低落及對系統產生不信任感。為了瞭解程序書的電腦化對於核能電廠運轉人員的心智負荷與情境知覺之影響,本研究以紙本程序書與兩種不同電腦化程度的電腦程序書輔助團隊操作運轉作業,及使用問卷調查法來蒐集受測者操作三種不同程序書之間的心智負荷及情境知覺相關的資料,最後進行變異數分析及相關性分析。本研究實驗結果指出,使用電腦程序書對於降低人員的心智負荷及提高情境知覺方面具有顯著的效果,但對整體作業績效而言並沒有明顯的影響。期望本研究之實驗結果能提供未來核能電廠主控制室電腦程序書設計之參考依據。


Abstract Researchers of computerized procedures systems have often suggested that the positive impacts of computerized procedures on operator performance include: (a) Tasks being able to be performed more quickly; (b) Overall workload being able to be reduced; (c) Cognitive workload possibly minimized; and (d) Fewer errors perhaps made while transitioning through or between procedures. But the side effects of automation cannot be neglected either, such as lower levels of alertness and awareness of situations, which may further lead to loses in cases of emergencies. The aim of this article is to explore what effects computerized procedures used by the main control room operating crew of the nuclear power plants have on cognitive workload, situation awareness and team performance, and to provide design implementation guidelines for computerized procedures. This study involved a survey, comprised of two sets of questionnaires concerning NASA-TLX and SART. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation. Results of this study showed that teams experienced lower cognitive workload and higher situation awareness when using computerized procedures systems, but statistically there was no significant difference for the overall team performance. The results and conclusions of this study can be contributed to the considerations made on design computerized based procedures and to the levels of procedure-based automation for HSI designers.


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