  • 學位論文


A Study on Trading Disputes of Pre-Sale House

指導教授 : 姚志明


房地產交易紛爭一直以來名列我國消費訴訟前幾名,近10年來房地產呈現多頭行情,建商大舉獵地,採行先售後建之方式投資興建預售屋,利用財務槓桿達到獲利極大化。而預售屋係為將來給付之物,在簽訂預售屋契約當下,並無房屋實體形態眼見為憑,民眾僅能以廣告、建造執照圖說、模擬示意圖及樣品屋等做為參考,往往於完工交屋後,一經比對發覺落差甚大。況且施工品質優劣係個人主觀認定,每位民眾皆未盡相同,何況建商與民眾兩者間勢必更有所衝突,進而衍伸許多預售屋交易糾紛。再者,建商之經濟地位及專業知識等皆遠高於民眾,雙方簽訂契約時,分處於不對等地位,民眾因而吃了許多悶虧。 本文試從消費者保護法、民法切入研究,首先以消保法與預售屋買賣最息息相關的契約自由之限制及內政部所公告之預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項為探討,並將民國104年增修消保法所提升民眾之保障,減少現行實務上爭議予以說明整理。其次,以民法債編之債務不履行、瑕疵擔保責任為分析基礎,彙整常見紛爭態樣,對於預售屋買賣契約責任,以實務與學說見解為本,輔以自身意見提出適當之觀點,期能對預售屋交易紛爭之事前避免及事後解決有所貢獻。


For a long period of time, the dispute of real estate transaction ranks the highest among all causes for consumer litigation in Taiwan. Given the real estate business has been a bull market within past ten years, real estate companies have aggressively purchased off plan properties and invested in pre-sale houses along with a sell first and build second strategy. Such a financial leverage can maximize the expected earnings. Essentially, pre-sale houses were non-existent objects of a future performance contract. The structure was not built yet when a contract was executed. Buyers, below referred to as ordinary people, could only make their decision based on advertisements, plans and graphs on the construction permit application, rendered images, and models. As a result, when the property was built and conveyed, these ordinary people were usually very frustrated due to the huge differences between what they expected and what the property actually looked. Also, how to assess the quality of construction was subjective and dependent on the assessor itself. Not to mention the conflicting interests between real estate companies and ordinary people. Therefore, a great number of pre-sale house disputes have occurred. Many ordinary people got ripped off during contract negotiation because of the bargaining asymmetry between real estate companies and ordinary people given these companies had far great economic power and professional knowledge. Within the realm of Civil Law and Consumer Protection Act, firstly, this thesis examined both the Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Pre-sale House Standard Contracts, enacted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the idea of the restriction of freedom of contract, the most relevant issue in the Consumer Protection Act and the trades of pre-sale houses. Further, this thesis summarized the revision of Consumer Protection Act in 2016, which was to better protect the general public as well as to reduce the controversies in judicial practices. Lastly, this thesis categorized common dispute types based on the analysis of the civil law theories; nonperformance and liability for defect warranty; scrutinized scholar’s and court’s view, and suggested proposals regarding contractual liability in pre-sale house trades, in a hope to help avoid pre-sale house disputes beforehand or reconcile afterwards.



