  • 學位論文


A Research on Corporate Governance and Sound Trade Secret Protection–Trade Secret Case Study of Domestic High-Tech Firms

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


營業秘密是企業投入龐大心力所獲之成果,亦是得以贏得競爭優勢之所在,我國營業秘密法自102年1月12日增訂刑事責任以來,實務上發生違反營業秘密法案件逐年增加,企業在公司治理效能上,不可避免的都需強化營業秘密的保護以維持競爭力,加上營業秘密一經侵害,即不可回復,故營業秘密保護對企業之重要性不言可喻。 本研究之目的旨在分析國內高科技廠商發生營業秘密法案件之態樣及處理過程,並針對營業秘密「告訴類型」、「告訴要件」、「界定與證明」及「防範二次洩密」,來建構本研究管理營業秘密的一個包含內容類型及處理模式(A Content/ Process Model),在方法上本研究透過深度面訪及檔案資料進行模式的分析。以期降低企業主、管理階層與我國營業秘密法規範、偵查實務間之認知差距,提供高科技廠商面對營業秘密遭侵害時所採取應處作為之決策參考。 根據本研究分析模式對三個重要個案的研究結論,發現若企業對案件處理程序及協助偵處有所正確認知,營業秘密保護就會有較佳決策效益。本研究進一步提出以下建議及管理意涵: 一、正確認知構成營業秘密的三要件,在內部管理作業上建立嚴謹規範,並及早瞭解在要件未滿足時其他法律救濟之應用。 二、必須重視資安系統之管理與軌跡保全,增加保密措施能量,除平時確保自身營業秘密外,亦可在審理案件時提出有利證據。 三、強化組織內橫向聯絡,共同建立保密意識,提升營業秘密舉證能力並強化鑑識效能。 高科技廠商的營業秘密茲事體大,因此本研究在此課題上傾向代理理論觀點,建議企業建構嚴格的管理制度,俾利在相對合理的管理成本下,落實並健全企業自身之營業秘密保護工作,進而提升公司治理效能。


Trade secrets are valuable commercial achievements for an enterprise that could make a company to obtain the competitive advantage over other competitors. Although the Trade Secret Act was amended the criminal liability for misappropriating confidentiality of a company on January 12, 2013 in Taiwan, the number of cases of trade secret misappropriation is still gradually increased. To avoid the misappropriation of trade secrets and to maintain the competitive advantage, a company would protect their commercial confidentiality by strengthen the corporate governance. In short, defending the trade secrets is one of the important elements of operating a company. This study aims to explore the patterns and the processes of misappropriation of trade secret. By in-depth interview and data analysis, the study tries to conduct a content and process model to defend the trade secret of an enterprise from the aspects of “types of trade secret litigation”, “constitutive elements of trade secret litigation”, “identification and evidence” and “defense of secondary divulgence”. It is hoped that this study could eliminate the asymmetric understanding of the regulations of Trade Secret Act and the practice of investigation on misappropriation of trade secret to the enterprise and the management. Moreover, it might provide some useful suggestions for the high-technology industries to solve the misappropriation of trade secret. The results of the three case studies of defending trade secrets show that the more accurate understanding of process flows and investigation assistance in coping with the misappropriation of trade secrets a company has the higher efficiency of the trade secrets protection could get. Furthermore, the study offers some suggestions for strengthening the corporate governance of trade secrets. These suggestions are as follows: 1. Acquire accurate knowledge of elements of trade secrets and other related regulations of defending trade secrets. 2. Emphasize the management and track of security system to increase the efficiency in sustaining the commercial confidentiality. 3. Enforce the lateral connection within the organizations of a company to raise the efficiency in exposing and identifying the trade secrets. With the suggestions above, the study could help enterprises to accomplish the protection of the trade secrets of their own and to raise the efficiency of the corporate governance under the reasonable cost management.


