  • 學位論文


The Process of Leisure Participation in the Internet among Young Adults with Mobility Impairment

指導教授 : 潘惠銘


本研究目的為了解行動障礙青年在參與網路休閒歷程,本研究的研究參與者為四名行動障礙青年,採用質性研究中的敘事研究進行,研究結果為: 1.行動障礙青年網路休閒參與開端與一般人類似,參與歷程及轉變因人 相異 2.網路休閒對於行動障礙青年的心理狀態及社交人際互動有益處,健康則產生負面的交互作用。 3.行動障礙青年認為網路休閒使用的自主性高、功能多,但無法完全替代現實生活。   本研究最後根據研究結果,提供教育實務、未來研究建議如下: 1.培養行動障礙青年除了網路以外的休閒娛樂,避免長時間沉迷網路。 2.教導行動障礙青年網路交友的正確互動方式,藉由網路交友練習與人溝通互動降低焦慮及害怕,進而類化至現實人際互動。 3.研究過程發現行動障礙青年因性別、就學時特殊教育介入不同,與人應對可能有差異,建議未來可以深入探討。 4.研究結果發現網路交友對於行動障礙青年的影響很廣,未來可以針對行動障礙或其他障別的網路交友做深入研究。 以上建議希望能對日後相關議題的研究與實務有所助益。


The purpose of this study was to understand the leisure participation of young people with mobility impairments in the internet. From the interview of four research participants the research results were obtained as followed: 1. The leisure participation of young people with mobility impairments in the internet was quite the same as of the ordinary people. But their courses of leisure participation in the internet are different according to their personality. 2. Online leisure did some damage to the physics, but it had positive psychological and social effects on the young people with mobility impairments. 3. Online leisure is considered from young people with mobility impairments as channel to get knowledge, to build up friendship, and to build up themselves.   Based on the results of the study some suggestions are given for the research in the future and for educational praxis for the person with mobility impairments. 1. Beside internet participation, other recreational activities should be taught to the young adults with mobility impairment, in order to prevent them from indulging in the Internet. 2. Making friends through the Internet can be a possibility for the young Adults with mobility impairment to practice the proper way of communication and interaction, to reduce fear and anxiety, and to transfer these abilities into the actual interpersonal transactions in the reality. 3. In this study gender and school type seemed to contribute to different results among the participants. Furture research is recommended to clarify this point. 4. The results showed that the leisure participation in the Internet had a broad and tremendous impact on the young adults with mobility impairment. In the future, researches should be done among people with mobility impairment but at different ages, or with other impairments, to see, whether it has also the same effects on them.


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