  • 學位論文


Research of Exploring the integration of Board Games into 4th grade Mathematics on the Learning Motivation

指導教授 : 吳昱鋒


本研究旨在探討運用桌遊融入國小四年級的數學教學,以提升學生的學習動機,教師運用桌遊融入國小四年級數學課程,統整、分析學生學習動機改變之情形,及對於教師教學模式改善之意義。 本研究採用個案研究的方法進行研究,研究對象是研究者所任教的四年級某班為研究對象,參與研究的學生為男生12位,女生7位,共計19位。研究於2020年11月(109學年度)-12月,是為期8週的研究,期間包含質性資料的收集、統整、分析,分別是教師省思札記、學生回饋單、課堂觀察、影像紀錄、學生訪談回饋,以及量化資料,包含學生數學學習動機量表的前後測統計分析。 根據上述統整及分析的結果顯示,四年級學生在桌遊融入數學教學後,對於數學學習動機大幅提升,學習態度亦有所改善,學生能於桌遊融入數學課程中積極投入課程,且展現高度興趣,亦對於桌遊融入課程持正面看法,而教師於桌遊融入數學教學的桌遊運用、引導及班級經營方面皆有所成長。 最後根據本研究結論,提出建議給欲融合桌上遊戲進行教學的教學者及未來相關研究做參考。 關鍵字:桌上遊戲、數學教學、學習動機


The aim of the present study is two-fold. Firstly, it attempts to investigate the effects of tabletop games on the fourth‐grade students’ learning motivation in mathematics. Secondly, it purports to determine whether the math board game can successfully help teacher to improve their teaching quality and to analyze students’ learning motivation in math. A case study was used in this study by collecting and analysing qualitative data such as text data from teachers' reflection notes, students' interview transcripts and feedback sheet, participan tobservation and video recording. Also, students' pretest and posttest scores of mathematics learning motivation scale were compared statistically. The data was collected from 19 fourth-grade students. Data for the study were collected over a period of eight weeks between November 2019 and December 2019. The results revealed that there was a significant and positive effect of tabletop games in math instruction on fourth graders’ motivation and behavior in math learning. Results also indicated that the math board game was helpful in promoting positive change in teachers' classroom behavior and classroom management skills. Finally, according to research findings, recommendations and guidelines for future research are presented. Keywords: learning motivation, mathematical instruction, tabletop game


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吳欣怡 (2020)。運用桌上遊戲於國小二年級數學補救教學之行動研究(未出版之碩士論文)。國立臺中教育大學,臺中市。
