  • 學位論文


The Construction about Animal Protection Act in Taiwan: The Perspective of Animal Welfare

指導教授 : 王家玉


人類和動物的關係,古今有著天壤之別。在過去,人類和動物會一起共享環境,因為生存的需要,一起生活在同一個空間,和動物之間成為了生命共同體。但隨著文明與科技發展,人類操控大自然的力量越來越強,原本和動物之間簡單的陪伴和役用關係開始更複雜化。 雖然人類文明的進步對於動物來說是一場大災難,但這一場災難中,有少數的人開始反省了這種恣意剝削動物的行為,開始推動動物保護的工作,如今,動物保護的議題成為許多國家的主流意識。我們可以從過去兩百年至今的動物保護發展來觀察,動物在人類社會中的定位開始被重新檢視,法律、科學、哲學、動物醫學等等的專家開始不斷的替動物的生存找出路,動物的危機似乎出現了轉機,而我們該如何藉由這個轉機扭轉動物的命運,是值得我們值得去深思以及長期規劃的地方。 現今各文明國家已多有保護動物的相關法律及制度,動物福利政策漸漸的成為了重要議題。台灣為跟上全球化的腳步,在國際動物保護組織不斷施壓以及流浪狗問題越來越嚴重的情況下,在1998年公布施行動物保護法,加入動物保護的行列,成為世界上第四十五個制訂法律保護人為管領飼養動物的國家,並且到2015年時已歷經了九次的修法。就台灣而言,動物福利為動物保護法的主要法源依據,因此本文想要探討的是,全球化下動物發生了什麼變化?台灣如何因應全球化下的動物保護運動制定出適合台灣本土社會的動物保護法?而這部動物保護法發展了十七年至今又有何值得檢討的地方?台灣目前的畜犬管理政策該如何修正才能有效的提升動物福利?


The relationship between human being and animals are totally different since from the old days. In the past, people share the environment with animals because of living needs. They were a unity to live together and shared the same space. But the relationship becomes more complicated since the power of human being goes stronger and stronger. The crucial medical experience are rationalized nowadays because of the need of the progress of medicine and technology. We are not sharing the environment together with the animals anymore. It’s not only very much the “dog eats dog” world out there but also the merciless circumstance becomes worse and worse. Although the growth of human civilization is a enormous disaster to animals, there are small group of people start to think over what human commit to animals, and they have been working on animal’s protection job afterwards. In contemporary world, animal protection has become a significant issue among many countries. Given the data of laws on animal protection in recent two hundred years,it can be proved that the value of animal has been reexamined by human society. It is demonstrated that many professors from different fields such as lawyers, scientist, philosophers and veterinarians have been spending no effort for maintaining animal’s survival. It is obvious that there is some positive change for animal’s living condition, in this circumstance, a topic on how to change animal’s current severe fate radically has become vital and urgent. The policy of animal’s welfare has become a pivotal issue in recent decades, with the development of animal protection acts and deals in many countries. To step up with the globalization, also it is when the problem of stray dogs grew critical and International animal protection organization pushed hard that Taiwan published first Animal Protection Act in 1998, which means Taiwan become the 45th area that there are laws specially for domesticated animals welfare. Furthermore, the act has been amended for nine times until 2015. It is known that Taiwanese Animal Protection Act was enacted mainly based on the animal’s welfare policy. Therefore, this thesis is going to investigate the following issues: What change do nowadays animals confronted with? What areas can be modified in Taiwanese Animal Protection Act after its seventeen years’ growth? What can be modified on current policy and regulations of animal administration in Taiwan, so as to improve the welfare of animals effectively?


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2. Gary Francione, Encyclopedia of Animal Right and Animal Welfare(edited by Marc Bekoff with Carron A.Meaney ,Greenwood Press,USA,1998)
3. Lyle Munro,Confronting Cruelty:Moral Orthodoxy and the Challenge of the Animal Rights Movement(Brill Academic Pub Press,USA,2005)
