  • 學位論文


Establishing virtual cardio motion with ten-sequence 3D volume of computed tomography cardiac images

指導教授 : 胡威志


心臟疾病已被世界衛生組織(WHO)列為世界第二大殺手,每年死亡人數中平均有31%死於心臟疾病,因其重要性讓心臟不管在臨床或是教學上都佔有極高的份量。臨床上已有用三維電腦斷層掃描心臟影像來診斷病症,有些疾病需要觀測血液流動及內部結構來判斷,而現今影像並無上兩者功能。教學上一般以書面為主,以致於學生無法直觀了解心臟運作及結構。 本論文以教學展示為主軸,希望能利用十時序心臟二維電腦斷層影像,轉換成四維內部結構及搏動狀態心臟影像,以利於學生能利用此平台達到直觀學習。此研究成果現階段可達到三維四維心臟各狀態影像顯示。為學生能方便使用,在軟體的功能上更配置各種方便製作與檢視功能,像一鍵即完成載入、擷取及儲存等動作以完成四維動態影像。為了將內部結構與搏動心臟影像呈現,需要心臟周遭器官影像移除、轉換顏色、十時序影像載入、擷取等功能。心臟影像各腔室及血液所呈現顏色非常接近,因此現階段所完成的四維影像,雖無模擬模型清晰,但能確實反映真實患者的心臟動態模型。研究成果分為兩大平台,在四維影像平台上可顯示不同狀態之四維影像,而三維影像平台上則增加了改變三維影像顏色、銳利度、漸層色及轉換各種狀態的功能。本研究使用了自行開發的影像處理系統,成功利用十時序心臟影像,將內部結構與搏動心臟影像呈現至平台。並期許將來能應用於心臟醫學教學上,甚至推廣至臨床應用。


According to World Health Organization (WHO), Cardiac diseases have been considered as the world's second-largest category in elevating mortality with an average of 31% of deaths per year. Therefore, in cardiac studies, it is important to assess the anatomy and functionality first. Clinically, three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) images of the heart are often used for disease diagnosis. However, some diseases can be identified by observing the blood flow and internal structure, but CT images we use today do not have these two functions. In academic research, most of the knowledge can be grasped only through textbooks and online platforms that sometimes cannot be apprehended easily to understand the function and structure of the heart and other organs. We aimed to develop a software that can observe the four-dimensional internal structure and the image of the pulsating state of heart. In this work, we create a dynamic heart image by loading ten-timing 2D CT images of heart, and then display internal and external cardiac structure after removal of heart surrounding organs and color conversion, and then merge the two methods above to form a dynamic internal and external cardiac structure images. The research is divided into two platforms:1) Four-dimensional imaging platform can display dynamic three-dimensional images of different states such as heart blood and internal structure of the heart; 2) Three-dimensional images platform includes functions of changing the color, sharpness, gradient color, and various states conversion. The user can change the functions for image display according to their requirements. An image processing system has been developed successfully utilizing ten-times cardiac images to present internal structures and beating heart images to the platform. In future, our software can be a useful tool for learning and clinical applications.


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