  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumers' Willingness to Use Internet Financing Services with Technology Acceptance Model under Fintech

指導教授 : 胡為善


處在金融科技的時代裡,當消費者有貸款需求時,不再會受到時間與空間的限制,因為借款者已可透過網路平台,迅速完成貸款申請。 為了充分明白影響消費者使用網路貸款系統申請貸款的關鍵因素,本研究先從消費者背景及特徵著手,再探討消費者對於網路貸款系統的相關疑慮因素,例如便利性、資訊安全性與比較性(與傳統銀行臨櫃辦理加以比較)三者,從而探討消費者對於透過網路貸款系統申請貸款的意願。本研究以發放問卷的方式,詢問不同性別、年齡、收入、學歷與職業的消費者。在問卷回收之後,本研究再使用科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)來分析問卷內容。本研究共發放300份問卷,回收後,再剔除回答不完整的問卷及未確實回答連鎖性問題者,最後的有效問卷數為256份,回收率為85.3%。 本研究從受訪者的背景與特徵中,發現曾使用過網路貸款的受訪者,只佔所有受訪者之19.92%,而這些使用過網路貸款者的年齡層大多屬於40-49歲,學歷大多是大專校院學歷以上,平均月收入大多在2-6萬元之間。由這些背景資料顯示,對於網路貸款的需求者,大多為中年,並且以中低收入戶為主。而在職業方面,大多數係從事金融與保險業,一個可能的理由是從事金融相關職業者,比較了解網路貸款的內容,且對於相關資訊的認知,高於其他行業,因而接受度也較高。 本研究使用Baron and Kenny (1986)之中介模型分析,來探討社會心理因素。結果發現,在網路貸款的外部因素中,以「安全性」及「與臨櫃相比較」兩者,較會影響受訪者使用網路貸款的意願,並且認為,網路貸款是有用且容易使用的。也就是科技接受模式中的認知有用性與認知易用性。最後,關於影響受訪者的採用意願。大部分受訪者會慎重考量網路貸款系統的安全性,例如個人帳戶資料是否安全,個人資訊是否會被外洩等;至於以網路貸款與銀行臨櫃辦理兩者相比較,大多數受訪者認為,由於網路貸款系統帶給受訪者認知有用性,以及認知易用性,因而願意使用網路貸款系統。


In the era of financial technology, this study attempts to examine whether the consumers will complete the loan application through the online loan system rather than applying the loan through the bank officers. In order to realize the key factors affecting the consumers' application for loans through the online loan system, this study first examined the characteristics of the consumer’s background and their doubts about online bidding-related factors such as convenience, information security and comparability between online loan system and dealing with the bank officers over the counter in bank. This investigation distributed 300 questionnaires to consumers for different sexes, ages, incomes, qualifications and occupations for their willingness to use the online loan system. After the recovery of the questionnaires, this study employed the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to analyze the responses. This study recovered 256 available questionnaires. The recovery rate is 85.3%. Among the respondents' background analysis, this investigation found that there were only 19.92% of the 256 respondents used online loan system. Of the respondents used online loan system, the most age groups are 40-49 years old, and most of them obtained the bachelor degree or above, with an average monthly income between NT$20,000 and NT$60,000. Therefore, we concluded that most of those who applied through online loan system are middle-aged and low- or medium-income consumers. Regarding the occupation, this study found that the majority of the respondents are working in the financial and insurance industry. Because they are familiar with the online loan system, causing the acceptance is higher than other occupations. This study then used the Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction model proposed by Baron and Kenny (1986) to examine the social psychological factors. Empirical results showed that, among the external factors affecting online loan application, "security" and "comparison between online loan system and dealing with the bank officers over the counter" are two major factors affecting the willingness of using the online loan system. This investigation found that most of the respondents deemed that online loan system are perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use. Also, most of respondents deemed that the security of the online loan system as an important factor. For example, they concerned that whether the personal account information will be leaked. Regarding the comparison between online loan system and dealing with the bank officers over the counter, most respondents deem that online loan system is better and easier than applying loan through bank officers. In summary, this study concludes that most of the respondents deem online loan applications are perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use, so that they are willing to use the online loan system.


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