  • 學位論文


Key Success Factors of Shimen Fresh Fish Restaurant

指導教授 : 邱榆淨 胡宜中


石門水庫興建於1964年,當時附近陸續興建許多著名景點,有雲霄大飯店、芝蔴酒店、亞洲樂園、金島樂園、龍珠灣等,吸引許多遊客,成為北區水庫的重要觀光景點,人潮的增加帶動水庫週遭餐廳的興盛,餐廳多因地緣關係均以石門活魚料理為主,水庫廣大水域,養殖之魚體型較大,魚肉鮮美且料理多樣化,故石門活魚餐廳成了享譽全台的特色餐廳。2001年至2005年期間颱風泛災,造成水庫淤泥堆積,環境及景觀大受破壞,使石門水庫遊客大幅減少,對活魚餐廳的店家影響非常大。餐廳由最興盛時的100多家至現今的33家。 本研究目的為探討石門活魚餐由鼎盛時期至衰退中能存活之餐廳的關鍵成功因素,採用德爾菲法進行專家訪談問卷調查,進行兩回合問卷,建立正式研究架構,包括「餐廳環境」、「企業文化」、「經營管理」、「產品品質」、「服務品質」等5構面及12個準則,以石門活魚餐廳資深經營者為問卷填答對象,再運用以決策實驗室分析法為基礎的網路程序分析法(Dematel-Based Analytiv Network Process, DANP),釐清變數間相互影響的關係,找出影響石活魚餐廳經營關鍵因素及因果關係。 研究結果顯示,關鍵構面權重排序為「經營管理」、「企業文化」及「餐廳環境」,其中經營管理與企業文化是相互影響的,關鍵準則依權重排序前六項為「競爭優勢」、「餐廳知名度」、「誠信務實」、「技術與資源」、「行銷活動」及「成本控制」,競爭優勢與餐廳知名度是相互影響,其管理意涵是業者應調整經營管理的方向與策略,加強文化特色及改善餐廳環境,增加餐廳之競爭優勢,進而提升知名度,方能有助餐廳獲利成長及永續經營。


Shihmen Reservoir was built in 1964, and then many famous sightseeing spots were also built around it, such as Sesame Hotel, Asia World Amusement Park, and Gold-Island Amusement Park. These spots attracted many tourists and became the most important sightseeing spots in northern Taiwan. The increased tourists gave impetus to restaurants near the reservoir, which featured fresh fish from the reservoir. The characteristic restaurants are known all over Taiwan due to their delicious and various fish cuisines. However, typhoon disasters from 2001 to 2005 caused sludge accumulation in the reservoir and destroyed the environment and landscape, which decreased the tourist numbers visiting the reservoir. The decrease affected the business of the restaurants and made the amount of the restaurants decrease from over one hundred on the top to 33 for now. This study investigated the key success factors of Shimen fresh fish restaurant which survived in the period from heyday to recession. We adopted the expert interviewing and questionnaire survey of Delphi method in two times to establish the formal research structures including five components of restaurant environment, enterprise culture, operating and management, product quality, service quality and 12 decision criteria. Questionnaire object was the senior operators of Shimen fresh fish restaurants. We applied the Dematel-Based Analytiv Network Process (DANP) to clarify the relationship between variables in order to find out the key factors of operation and the causal relationship. The results of the study show that the key factors are from most to less the operating and management, enterprise culture, and restaurant environment, which operating and management and enterprise culture have mutual effects. The first six items of key criterions are from high to low the competitive advantage, reputation, integrity and pragmatic, technology and resources, marketing campaign, and cost control, which competitive advantage and reputation have mutual effects. The meaning of their management is that the operators should adjust their directions and strategies to enhance the cultural features, improve the restaurant environment, and increase the competitive advantage of restaurants. Then the reputation will be further promoted to help the profit growth and sustainable operation.


