  • 學位論文


Utilizing Sales Comparison Approach Combined with Data Mining Techniques to Construct Taipei Housing Price Prediction Models

指導教授 : 李維平


房地產估價對於一般民眾、銀行、政府及法院來說,都有「房地產市場合理價格為何」的問題需要解決,對於這些問題如果要使用個別估價所需要消耗的人力、時間及資源會相當龐大,因此國內外開始產生許多相關不動產估價之研究。回顧過往不動產估價模式相關研究,大多使用市場比較法、特徵價格法、決策樹及類神經網路進行。對於市場比較法的優點是能夠選取出與勘估標的條件相同或相似之比較標的來評估勘估標的房價,但缺點是在調整得過程中,會因為個人主觀因素及其採用的調整方式而影響。而特徵價格法及類神經網路的優點是較為客觀,但缺點可能因為整體資料中具有小部分離群值的資料而影響模型建構準確度。 因此本研究有鑑於以上三種方式的優缺點,將針對以上方法各自所擁有的優點進行結合,使用主觀的市場比較法行為邏輯中的選擇方式來先選取出與勘估標的條件相同或相似之比較標的,再使用可以自動調整與分配權重的特徵價格法與資料探勘進行模型建構,以此方式提高其預測準確度。讓本研究之模型具有以下優點:(1)減少資料差異降低影響結果的可能、(2)降低整體的預測絕對誤差比例、(3)能夠電腦自動化大量估價、(4)具有客觀性。而本研究主要針對除了上述提出方法進行探討外,也對總體環境變數及輸出值(總價與單價)的不同差異進行探討。 本研究所提出的方法其最佳的平均絕對誤差百分比(MAPE)為23.23%,贏過去研究架構7.36%,估價效果比過去研究架構佳,而最佳的選擇與建模方式為選擇前16季與0.5公里內的比較標的並使用特徵價格法進行建模其效果最佳。


The people, banks, governments and courts have a problem to be solved for real estate appraisal that is "How much is a reasonable housing price?" However, an individual real estate appraisal for housing price will spend a lot of personnel, time and resources. Therefore, many related studies have been studied. In the past researches, most of them are sales comparison approach, hedonic price method, decision tree and neural network. For the sales comparison approach has subjective problems, but in selection method could reduce the data difference. Hedonic price method and neural network cannot join the subjective idea, but dealing with data difference may have a bias. Therefore, this research will combine the advantages of the above three methods. Use sale comparison approach selection method, and then use the hedonic price method or the data mining model. This study has the following advantages: (1) Reduce data difference and the possibility of influencing consequences. (2) Reduce the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). (3) Be able to use computer assisted mass appraisal. (4) Objectivity. This study will not only investigate the above method but also study the new input values and different output values (Total price and unit price). The best result of this research method’s mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is 23.23%. It beat the past 7.36%. Appraisal result is better than the past. The best selecting and modeling method select the past 16 seasons and within 0.5 km house data with the hedonic price method.


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