  • 學位論文


As images move through time, changes occur in its essence and form. Design concept and symbols give shape to space.

指導教授 : 魏主榮


國內近20年才逐漸成為一門獨立學科的「空間設計」,其實不妨視為一種ARTDECO藝術的延伸。中譯為「裝飾藝術」的ARTDECO,從字面來看;像是著重於皮層的華美修飾,但其實應用範圍極廣,涵蓋建築、空間、傢俱、生活器物、珠寶首飾等林林總總,整體而言更像是一種包羅萬象的風格藝術,在「裝飾藝術」存在至今近百年的時間段裡,各個時期都可以看出不同文明相互影響的結果,目前國外所謂的空間設計,仍是以「裝飾」為主流,這跟台灣只要業主需要,室內設計公司可以從建築結構、空間內裝、水電配管、軟件佈置到景觀無所不包有很大的不同。 但我這份論文重點,不在陳述國內空間設計演進的獨特生態,而在解譯空間的方式,當然身為專業設計師,生平所見所聞都能成為創作的血肉,但是名列八大藝術之一的「電影」,於我而言更像是取之不盡的靈感寶庫,任何乖離、荒誕、抽象、懸疑、詭譎甚至血腥的影像、情節,都能成為我撰寫空間劇本的背景、銜接與斷點,電影行進間不可或缺的時間軸,不管是平鋪直敘、跳躍或者錯落剝離的表現手法,都帶給我無窮寬廣的想像空間,也因為電影,我的空間作品才能有別於市場主流,少一點商業氣息;多一點反芻有益身心的故事張力。 所以我很想說:努力迄今若是能有些微小成績,最該感謝的不僅是團隊,還有各種題材的好電影,不只娛樂、療癒了我,也啟發了多數時候我自己也未能察覺的其他的自己。 關鍵字檢索 逗馬宣言、輪迴再生、提姆波頓、時間軸、環保議題


影像 時間


Interior design only became an independent subject of study in Taiwan over the past 20 years. However, we should view it as an extension of Art Deco. In Chinese, Art Deco is literally translated as “decorative art”. On the surface it seems to focus on a skin-deep level of ornamentation, but its application is far and wide, encompassing architecture, space, furniture, utensils, jewelry, etc. Overall, it is a comprehensive art style. Over the century of its existence, Art Deco has affected each era of civilization. At the moment, interior design around the world is mainly a “decoration”, which is a world away from the Taiwanese trend of encompassing architectural structure, interior decoration, plumbing, furnishing, and landscaping according to the client’s wishes. However, the point of my dissertation is not to describe the evolution of the unique ecology of interior design in Taiwan, but the ways of interpreting space. As a professional designer, everything I have ever seen and heard can become nourishment for creativity, and movies in particular are like an endless fountain of inspiration to me. Any alienating, absurd, abstract, suspenseful, weird and even gory images and circumstances can become the backdrop, link and break point of my designing canvas. The indispensable timeline in movies, whether chronological or non-linear, all provide me with boundless imagination. Because of movies, my designs are less commercialized than the mainstream market, injected with more beneficial conflict that withstands rumination. I would like to say that if I have put forth any fruits from my labor, I must thank not only my team, but movies on all different sorts of topics. They not only entertained and comforted me, they also inspired my many different faces, which I myself often fail to notice. Keywords: Dogme95, reincarnation, Tim Burton, timeline, environmental issues.


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