  • 學位論文


Analyze the Impact of the Cosmetic Design on Consumers' Well-being and Purchase Intention - Using Brand Awareness as Moderator Variable

指導教授 : 陳蓁逸


化妝品市場規模逐年擴大,但我國化妝品市場呈現緩慢成長趨勢。現今化妝品設計越發多元,儼然成為時尚產業重要的一環。成功的產品設計,不但能提升生活品質和幸福感,還會讓消費者產生購買意願。當消費者在購物時,除了設計之外,品牌知名度也能提升消費者正面情緒反應,若設計與品牌知名度相互干擾下,不知是否對幸福感有不同的影響。而考慮化妝品市場中唇彩市場成長率遠高於其他品項,故本研究以口紅為研究標的,探討消費者是否因化妝品設計產生幸福感進而增加購買意願;並加入實驗設計探討不同品牌知名度下對幸福感的影響。根據文獻,產品設計必須先瞭解產品可以滿足顧客的需求為何,並重視產品與人的溝通,再設計出產品。Veryzer (2000)產品設計的觀點包括三大特性,分別為功能、溝通及美感性。而Nussbaum (1988)指產品設計可提升產品的功能、經濟性及帶來愉悅感。游恆山(1996)提出當追求商品和服務的過程中,讓你覺得愉悅,都能引發內心的感受而得到幸福感。此外品牌知名度也是影響消費者的重要因素,Simon (1970)指出,消費者對於不熟悉的產品,會藉由對品牌認知來判斷是否選購,企業擁有「高知名度」會比「低知名度」更能獲得消費者的正面回應。因此本研究將化妝品設計分為功能、人因、外觀設計三構面分別探討其對幸福感的影響。問卷蒐集則以女性為主要研究對象,根據上述利用3×3的實驗組合,將設計分為功能、人因及外觀設計,而品牌知名度分為高、低及無品牌,先以前測問卷衡量化妝品設計的分類構面及品牌知名度的高低,再將其與無特殊設計之產品一同放置正式問卷中做測量。問卷於2018年5月11日至5月29日以網路發放,共回收有效問卷365份,透過SPSS進行分析。研究結果顯示:(1)功能設計對購買意願及消費者幸福感有顯著正向之影響;(2)人因設計及外觀設計對購買意願及消費者幸福感無顯著正向之影響;(3)消費者幸福感對購買意願有顯著正向之影響;(4)品牌知名度對化妝品設計及消費者幸福感之影響呈正向顯著的干擾效果。根據以上研究結果,因使用口紅主要目的是讓脣部紅潤有光澤、增加臉部美感等,是屬於功能設計的面向,外觀設計過於華麗或特殊人因設計可能使消費者認為降低口紅功能面效果,而不能達成其首要需求,因此對此兩種設計不呈現出顯著偏好;而消費者在消費當下的確會因環境或是產品而使內心引發正向情感,若能提升購買產品時的幸福感,則能提高購買意願;此外,消費者會認為高知名度之產品會比低知名度及無品牌來得更好,擁有高品牌知名度的業者,在化妝品設計上,應著重在功能設計而非外觀設計;無品牌的業者比起人因及外觀設計,更應該重視功能設計,因功能設計對消費者幸福感的影響最為深刻,期望透過本研究結果,為企業提供未來化妝品設計之方向,若業者加強化妝品之功能設計,能為其帶來最大效益。


The scale of the cosmetic market is expanding year by year, but it has grown slowly in Taiwan. Nowadays cosmetics product design is more diversified and plays an important role of the fashion industry. The successful product design not only can improve the quality of life and well-being, but let consumer increase purchase intention. When shopping, in addition to design, brand awareness can enhance the positive emotional response of consumers as well. Whether it has various impact on consumers’ well-being under the cross interference of design and brand awareness. Since the the lipstick growth rate is much higher than other items in the cosmetic market, we select lipstick as the subject matter of research, and discover whether the cosmetic design will generate well-being to the consumers, then increase their purchase intention, by applying experimental design to explore the impact of various brand awareness on well-being. According to the literature review, product design must meet customers needs and put emphasis on the interaction between products and people before the product design. Veryzer (2000) refers to the perspective of the product design includes three characteristics, whih are function, communication, and aesthetics respectively. Nussbaum (1988) refers to product design can enhance the functionality, economy and produce the sense of pleasure. You Heng Shan (1996) refers to let customers feel pleased during the process they purchase products and services can trigger their feelings inside and obtain well-being. In addition, brand awareness is also a key point to affect consumers. Simon (1970) refer to when consumers facing unfamiliar products, they will judge whether to buy or not by brand awareness, the company with "high brand awareness " will obtain more positive response from consumers than the ones with "low brand awareness ". Therefore, this study divide cosmetic design into three dimensions: functional, human factors, and appearance design respectively to discover the impact on consumers’ well-being. The questionnaires are collected by women as main subjects, using 3×3 experimental design to divide cosmetic design into functional, human factors, and appearance design, and brand awareness is divided into high, low, and no brand awareness. First, we use pretest questionnaire to measure the categorical dimensions of cosmetics design and the level of brand awareness from the subjects, then add the product without special design into the formal questionnaire. The questionnaire was issued online from May 11 to May 29, 2018, and with 365 valid responses, and we apply the SPSS statistical software to analyze the data collected. The results of the study include: (1) Functional design has significant positive impact on consumers' well-being and purchase intention. (2) Human factors and appearance design has no significant positive impact on consumers' well-being and purchase intention. (3) Consumers' well-being has significant positive impact on purchase intention. (4) Brand awareness has significant positive interference effect on cosmetic design and consumers' well-being. According to the results and inquire the interviews we conclude that the main purpose of using lipstick is to make the lips more rosy and get more beauty which belongs to functional design. The product with gorgeous appearance or special human factors design is possibly to make consumers think to reduce the functional aspects and can't achieve the primary needs. When consumers shopping, the environment or products will let them trigger positive emotions, therefore, improve the well-being during the process can trully increase consumers’ purchase intention. In addition, consumers consider that products with high brand awareness are better than the ones with low brand and no brand awareness. Because functional design has the deepest impact on consumers' well-being, the company with high brand awareness should focus on functional design rather than appearance design. The company without brand awareness should focus on functional design rather than human factors and appearance design. Through the results of this study, we expect to provide the future direction of cosmetic design for enterprises, if they improve or put more attention on the functional design of cosmetics, mostly they can obtain the maximum benefits.


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