  • 學位論文

理工科系學生就業選擇半導體產業公司 影響因素之研究—雙因子理論觀點

A Study of Job Decisions of the Science and Engineering Students toward the Semiconductor Industry: Two-factor Theory Perspective

指導教授 : 邱雅萍


摘要 半導體產業是台灣的關鍵產業,完整的上中下游產業鏈形成國際級的產業聚落, 產業轉型技術升級人才以工程研發人才為關鍵,人才需求比例逐年持續提升。在人才 供需失衡情況下,很多企業常招募不到研發人才,即使提供更高的薪資,企業也不一 定會找到適合人才。因此企業界對工程研發人才招募議題上,以對關鍵人才具吸引力 的相關因素為主,對眾多公司提供的工作機會中,企業要如何讓自己公司在眾多競爭 公司中被求職者青睞是一個重要議題。本研究即針對國內各大學系所學生在畢業後求 職時重視的認知因素進行探討。 本研究以國內各大學院校理工系所學生為研究對象,透過文獻探討、問卷設計發 送學生填寫,問卷回收後透過敘述性統計及卡方檢定,以雙因子理論探討理工系所學 生在求職認知時哪些項目是激勵因子及保健因子,進而做出結論與建議。 研究分析結果發現理工系所學生求職影響因素選擇,學生求職時認為最基本應該 要具備的保健因子為:公司的管理制度完備與否、公司企業文化是民主的、公司主管 人很好相處、完善的升遷發展機會、工作讓他有安全感、有好的福利制度、有好的薪 酬配套計畫及薪資福利與考核有明確的連結等因素是必備的因素,意即未具備這些因 素,理工系所學生不會考慮加入公司。學生求職時認為公司沒有也不會影響他的求職 選擇之激勵因子為上班地點離我家很近、公司組織國際化程度很高、公司有員工長期 留任計畫、公司人員穩定度高流動性低、公司組織創新程度高、公司多角化投資的程 度很高、公司有海外工作出差調派機會、公司組織相當具有規模及公司有上市或上櫃 或公開發行,即使公司沒有這些特性,理工系所學生也不會不選擇這公司。 半導體產業人才需求呈現供需失衡已是常態,各家公司在人才招募時,應先進行 檢視公司及工作本身特性各項影響因素是否具備吸引人才加入,對求職者選擇企業必 備的保健因素,若公司尚未具備或未臻完善者需要趕緊調整。研究建議以半導體產業 而言,各家企業公司規模及工作性質大同小異,激勵因子對求職者而言是有則會更 好,若具備激勵因子項目愈多或愈完整,求職者選擇任職機會應較大,建議企業目前 若已具備激勵因素,則建議維持及隨時進行精進調整,若沒有則需要再及時建立以讓 企業保持招募競爭優勢找到更適任的人才。


Abstract As semiconductor manufacturing and its supply chains become Taiwan's key industry sector, it is apparent that the supply of the associated research and development talents have been off-balance as the demands increase dramatically. It is imperative for corporations to derive effective recruiting strategies, not just on bidding with higher salaries, but those relevant factors that are attractive to key talents. This study explores the cognitive factors that may come to the attention of domestic universities and colleges’ students when applying for jobs after graduation. The research object of this study is the students of the science and engineering departments of domestic universities and colleges. Through literature review, a questionnaire is designed and sent to the object to fill in. By two-factor theory, the collected questionnaires are analyzed with descriptive statistics and a chi-squared test to find out how the motivators and the hygiene factors affect the cognition of graduate job seekers. The result of the study shows that the students of scientific or engineering disciplines think that the following hygiene factors are essential when applying for a job: comprehensive company management system, democratic corporate culture, friendly superiors, promotion and development opportunities, job security, good benefits, and compensation plans with the transparent performance evaluation system. It means that graduates would not consider a job offer from a company without the positive prospect of these factors. A graduate job seeker does not consider the following motivators being crucial when deciding her/his choice of job opportunities: the work location is close to home, the job has overseas work travels and assignments, the company has a long-term retention program, the company has low employee turnover rate, the company organization is highly internationalized, the organizational innovation is high, the company has highly diversified investments, the scale of the company is large, the company is publicly listed or has OTC trading or public off. Graduate job seekers will still consider a job from a company that does not have these motivative factors. The demand for talents in the semiconductor industry is constantly outgrowth its supply. The study suggests that companies who are hunting for such talents should first examine themselves whether they have various characteristics of those hygiene factors that attract talents, and they should make adjustments or improvements quickly if necessary. Since average companies in the semiconductor industry are not so different in their size and nature of work, the study suggests that a graduate job seeker will be more likely to select a job from a company with more motivators. It is recommended that a company searching for scientific and engineering talents should keep maintaining and improving those motivators if it already does so; a company that falls short of those motivators should start establishing them to be competitive on the open market of qualified talents.


104 人力銀行,2020,半導體業產業及人才白皮書。
