  • 學位論文


The Flowing Boundary and the Re-presentation of Hidden History of the Earthen Ox & Ditch – A Narrative Study of the Landscape of Yangmei District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

指導教授 : 倪晶瑋 曹拯元


「土牛溝」為清乾隆26年,因漢人移台不斷侵墾原住民土地,為避免糾紛,下旨挖築做為釐清國土與劃分漢、原族群土地的設施。南起屏東枋寮,北迄基隆獅球嶺,為當時西臺灣特殊的人文景觀界線。然經歷200年的變遷,「土牛溝」幾乎被破壞殆盡,如今鮮少人知道其原有樣貌與功能。民國79年曾有專家學者深入調查竹塹地區「土牛溝」,指證其歷史價值並將路徑找出,卻抵抗不過同時期工業經濟起飛的年代,對「土牛溝」破壞的速度。民國100年12月29日,位在楊梅區永平工商後方樹林的「土牛溝」被登錄為「文化景觀」,為「土牛溝」的保存燃起一線希望。楊梅區更被認定為「土牛溝」原貌保留最多之區域。 究竟「土牛溝」的空間分佈與地方發展有哪些關聯?經時代變遷,其功能、樣貌與意義有何種轉變?本研究以施添福研究竹塹地區的「土牛溝」路徑及「桃園縣文化景觀土牛溝調查研究暨保存維護計畫報告書」為研究基礎,以清乾隆15年(1750年)至乾隆55年(1790年)間,「土牛溝」經4次邊界範圍變化為主要時間範疇,透過史料文獻的蒐集、田野調查及在地居民、耆老與專家學者的訪談等方法,探討「土牛溝」楊梅段在當時期所扮演的歷史角色,解讀與在地地景紋理的關係性。在了解「土牛溝」楊梅段樣貌、空間意義的轉變與現今面臨的危機後,提出「土牛溝」敘事綱要及其保存建議。期望透過「土牛溝」楊梅段的歷史再現,促使客家委員會、相關歷史學家及在地居民探索家鄉,珍惜歷史並加深對在地的認同感。


The Earthen Ox & Ditch was a boundary created in the 26th year of Qing Qianlong to avoid disputes over Han people’s continuous invasion of the land of aborigines. Extending from Fangliao in Pingtung to Shih-chiu-ling in Keelung, this boundary is a special human landscape in western Taiwan. Today, more than 200 years later, this boundary has almost vanished, and very few people know about its original appearance and functions. In 1990, some scholars attempted to study the historical value and path of the Earthen Ox & Ditch in the Chu-chien area. However, their discovery was overshadowed by the damage brought by economic and industrial development. On Dec 29, 2011, the government officially listed a section of the Earthen Ox & Ditch behind Yung-Ping Vocational High School in Yangmei District as a “cultural landscape”, offering a thread of hope for preservation of the Earthen Ox & Ditch. Today, Yangmei District is recognized for having best preserved the original landscape of the Earthen Ox & Ditch. What is the relationship between the spatial distribution of the Earthen Ox & Ditch and local development? How have the functions, appearances, and meanings of this boundary changed over time? This study was based on Teng-fu Shih’s study of the path of the Earthen Ox & Ditch in the Chu-chien Area and “The Survey and Preservation Plan for the Cultural Landscape of the Earthen Ox & Ditch in Taoyuan County”. Focusing on the four major changes in the boundary of the Earthen Ox & Ditch between 15th~55th year of Qing Qianlong (1750~1790), this study analyzed data collected from a variety of sources, including historical documents, field surveys, and interviews with local residents and experts, to discuss the historical role of the Yangmei section of the Earthen Ox & Ditch as well as its relation to local landscape textures. After gaining an insight into the appearance, changes in spatial meanings, and current crises of the Earthen Ox & Ditch, this study proposed a narrative summary and a list of suggestions regarding the preservation of this landscape. By unveiling the history of the Earthen Ox & Ditch in Yangmei District, this study hopes to motivate history experts and local residents alike to explore their hometown, value their history, and deepen their local identity.


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