  • 學位論文


Analyzing Key Selection factors of the pet funeral services

指導教授 : 陳筱琪 蔡文鈞


根據行政院農委會107統計,目前全台家貓、犬總數約有二百五十萬隻,平均每三戶就有一戶有養寵物,顯示目前毛經濟的蓬勃發展,連帶寵物殯葬業也是日益發展,要如何在眾多不同經營型態與特色的寵物殯葬業者中脫穎而出,找到飼主選擇寵物殯葬業者的關鍵因素,增加飼主的購買意願,藉此提供寵物殯葬業者更多策略思維。 本研究採用問卷施測,調查北部地區飼養貓、犬的飼主,共回收有效問卷401份,並運用信度分析、相關分析及多元回歸分析等方法來探討變數之間的關係,以驗證本研究之假設。 本研究發現,飼主選擇評估對飼主選擇寵物殯葬業者有部分顯著的影響,其中飼主選擇評估中以解決問題能力影響最多個購買意願,是影響飼主購買意願中的關鍵因子,因此,若寵物殯葬業者有足夠的經驗與知識能迅速地解決飼主的問題,將能有效地提升飼主的購買意願。另外,本研究亦分析出,飼養不同寵物的飼主、月收入不同的飼主與宗教信仰不相同的飼主,對選擇寵物殯葬業者的關鍵因素也會有所不同。故本研究建議,寵物殯葬業者在針對不同生活背景的飼主進行服務時,可以參考本文的分析結果,希望能提供寵物殯葬業者在未來發展上的一個指標。


According to the Executive Yuan Committee of Agriculture of year 2018, 2.5 million pets are in Taiwan. It means that there is one pet per three families on average. The phenomena indicate that pet economy is occurred. Pet funeral market makes different creative business models happened. How to identify the key factors of the pet funeral consumption for the decision making of pet owners. This paper discovered the key factors for pet funeral market and the purchase decision making for pet owners. The results provide the marketer can develop more market strategies for pet funeral services This study investigated the owners of cats and dogs in Taipei area. Totally 401 samples were collected, analyzed, and explored. It found that these hypotheses of the study did have significant effects for pet funeral services. However, the key factors can increase purchase intention during the pet owner making service decision. During the hypothesis, it found that if the service involves enough pet experience and knowledge, the satisfaction of pet owner is fulfilled because of quickly problem solving. Therefore, the higher purchase intention is identified. Furthermore, this study also analyzed the pet owners for different lifestyle. The pet owners choose different pet funeral services with income levels and religious beliefs especially. This study suggests the pet funeral service should have different types to segment different lifestyle of pet owners. Depended on the results of this study, it provides an indicator for the future market development of pet funeral services.


Pet Funeral Purchase Intention Key Selection factors


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