  • 學位論文


Purpose Limitation Principle of Data Protection Law- A comparative Study of EU, UK and Taiwan

指導教授 : 江耀國


中文摘要 隨著網際網路的發達,無論何人都可以快速且大量的蒐集個人資料,進而對個人資料之保護造成衝擊。歐盟現行的歐盟指令1995(Directive 95/46/EC),除為歐盟區域組織內各會員國之指導性法律規範外,也是目前國際上針對個人資料予以立法保護之法律規範之一,我國即是承襲該指令制定個人資料保護法。然而,有鑑於個人資料侵害事件頻傳,原有之歐盟指令1995恐已過時,對個人資料之保護不夠周全,歐盟執委會遂提出一般個人資料保護規則草案,該草案已通過,預計2018年施行,希冀該保護規則可以補強原有法律規範之不足,亦使歐盟區域組織內有統一之法律規範,不致產生個會員國間對個人資料保護標準不一之情形。 本文以資料保護法上之目的限制原則為探討中心,依序介紹本原則之內涵及提出具實務上案例,比較歐盟指令1995、英國與我國法律規範之差異。


Abstract Because of the prevalence of internet, large quantity personal data can be collected easily and it has cause a serious problem of personal data protection. The European Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC) is not only the guide directive of the European Union but also known as one of the earlier regulation on the personal data protection all over the world. In addition, Taiwan Personal Information Protection Act adopted the Directive as well. Given that rapid technological development makes the harm on personality rights increased and the European Data Protection Directive might be outdated, European Commission submit General Data Protection Regulation finally approved by the EU Parliament and will be enforced on 2018. Thus, this General Data Protection Regulation established will remove the obstacles to flows of personal data and avoid the difference in levels of protection in EU Member States. Furthermore, this regulation will replace the former European Data Protection Directive. This research will mainly focus on the purpose limitation which is one of the personal data protection principle, presenting the essential elements of this data protection principle, studying several practical cases of UK and Taiwan and then compare the differences of EU, UK and Taiwan regulation.


呂信瑩,個人資料保護法上目的原則之探討,新學林出版社 (2012)。
