  • 學位論文


A studn on the Meating of culture Heritage Conservation for Changhua Veteran Farm

指導教授 : 黃承令


文化地景為一切人為或與人相關的地景集結,地景的形成、變遷的狀態係依附在不同時期及地理環境之間的文化形態中,為人類行為與空間環境互動關係典範移轉的過程與結果。換句話說,文化地景的建立與存續,係為一種透過有形與無形文化資產,經過時間的發酵與進化,投射在實體景觀上的一種價值傳承的表徵。 在行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會 (今國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會)的技術輔導下,為提供耕種與就業機會給退伍軍人,使其能自力更生,減少政府財政上的負擔,在可利用的土地及農地上設置農場,其中包括了現址位於新竹縣新豐鄉的彰化農場。由退輔會指導的農場,經過時間的洗滌及沖刷,轉型與再造,有的成為目前炙手可熱的觀光勝地,有些可能被遺忘在記憶的轉輪中,成為凋落頹圮的建築。 本研究欲以榮民安置為主軸,深入探討農場與榮民間人文與自然環境互動的關係,藉由文史、文物、歷史建築等時間與空間的界定,以安置場員為宗旨的彰化農場為研究對象。以就養安置榮民文化實例與文獻所呈現的保存原則,指出文化地景對保存有形及無形歷史的重要性,突顯國軍在臺灣的獨特文化地景與資產,同時,透過對彰化農場文化地景建立的討論過程,了解臺灣閒置土地資源利用與政策執行空間的特色、並且建立文化地景活化地方發展及國土利用的建議。


Cultural landscape is besed an man-made landscape, the formation of cultural landscape and the transformation of cultural landscape are embedded in cultural patterns created with periods and geographical environments. In other words, the subsistence of cultural landscape is an inherited characterization projected on substantial landscape, by the formation of intangible and tangible cultural capitals through the evolutions. By the technique guidance of the Veterans Affairs Council, lands and agricultural lands are provided to veterans to set up farms, for rendering job opportunities and meanwhile reducing the financial burdens of governments. Unfortunately, when the time goes by, some farms have been transformed as tourist resorts whereas some have been sunk into oblivion and become collapsed ruins. The purpose of study is to discuss the cultural and natural interrelationship between the farms and veterans, through the story of veteran resettlements. Changhua Farm is the research object, and the importance of tangible and intangible histories to the preservation of cultural landscape would be delivered, to highlight the peculiar cultures of armies and its legacies, and in the meantime, within the discussion of the establishment of cultural landscapes in Changhua Farm, the uses of idle lands and its policies would be probed, and the activation of cultural landscape to local developments and land uses would be framed later.


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