  • 學位論文


Application of Quality Tools to Improve the Image Quality of Compact Camera Module

指導教授 : 陳育欣


筆記型電腦搭載相機模組已行之有年,近來隨著手機、平板電腦、虛擬實境、擴充實境、行車紀錄器、視訊監控等應用,讓相機模組需求量大增,應用也越來越廣泛。相對的投入此領域的廠商也越來越多,彼此競爭的結果使得價格得以降低,但相對的廠商利潤跟著下降。因此,製程良率將是相機模組廠商進行獲利評估的重要指標。 本技術報告為應用品質手法進行相機模組製程改善之研究,針對個案公司相機模組的生產測試流程,採用由PDCA循環發展出來的QC-Story品質改善歷程步驟,選定關鍵的調焦製程作為改善的主題,應用品質工具分析歸納找出關鍵因子後,利用田口方法(Taguchi Method)應用直交表進行實驗,來使機台參數最佳化,以提升製程良率,並確保相機模組的影像品質。 實驗提出的參數值組合,經過個案公司進行小批量生產測試的實際驗證,順利將產品調焦不良率由11.6%降至2.4%,驗證了結合品質工具與田口方法的成效與可行性,也可作為相關產業問題解決方案的參考。


A camera module has been a common component in a laptop for years. Nowadays, a camera module is also widely included in cellphone, tablet, dash cam, 360 cam, video surveillance, and so on. The demand of camera module is huge due to lots of new image applications popping up in our life. Its margin and selling price were getting lower due to the competition from suppliers. The yield rate and process capability will be the important things for those manufacturers. In this case study, we utilized the QC-story method, extended from the PDCA cycle, as the experiment procedures. The Focusing process was chosen for improvement after the analysis by QC tools. This research further applied the Taguchi method to optimize the parameters for selected key factors. The L18 (21x37) of orthogonal array was used in series of experiments to find out the best set of parameters. The experimental results indicated the fail rate of Focusing process improved from 11.6% to 2.4% in a pilot run. It shows the case study is successful for improving process capability.


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