  • 學位論文

實際與知覺多元化對團隊創新影響之探討 ─以任務相依性和多元化開放性為干擾變數

A Research of the Relations among Actual Diversity, Perceived Diversity and Team Innovation-Task Interdependence and Openness to Diversity as Moderators

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


廿一世紀科學技術的速迅發展,使得產業環境充滿了複雜性與不確定性,企業的生存環境受到巨大的衝擊,產品生命週期因而被迫縮短,企業為了能永續經營,在產品創新研發上無不求新求變,以研發更具多樣化的產品並縮短研發上的時程,以強化市場上的競爭優勢。加上資訊傳播的便利性,企業的版圖也從地區化擴大到全球化,為了因應環境的變化,企業在組織設計上以較具彈性有效率的團隊方式,來因應企業的國際化及產品的多元化,致使團隊成員組合變得也越多元化,故如何有效的管理多元化的團隊,以增進團隊的創新績效,已成為近年來的新興議題。 本研究主要在探討團隊「實際多元化」對「知覺多元化」的影響,進而影響到「團隊績效」。其中實際多元化包含人口背景與任務相關等多元化,例如年齡、性別、籍貫,以及教育、專業背景、年資等,本研究探究其對知覺人口背景與任務相關等多元化的影響,並進一步分析其對研發團隊創新績效的影響。本研究並以「任務相依性」及「多元化開放性」為干擾變數,來驗證該干擾變數對「團隊多元化對團隊績效影響」的調節作用與效果。 本研究採取立意抽樣的方式,發放問卷前研究者先以電話與E-MAIL,並託請聯絡人聯繫其主管並經其應允後,再確認樣本團隊的配合意願後,即發送紙本問卷給公民營機構中的180個團隊,共取得有效樣本104 個團隊,其中包含104個團隊主管問卷以及460份團隊成員問卷,共計回收564份問卷,有效問卷回收率為66.3%。並依據研究目的及所建立之研究假設,分別以SPSS 16.0及AMOS 17 來進行統計驗證。 研究結果顯示出在以團隊創新為依變數之迴歸式中,「實際人口背景多元化」與「實際任務相關多元化」對「知覺人口背景多元化」與「知覺任務相關多元化」皆有正向的影響效果;「知覺人口背景多元化」對團隊創新有負向的影響效果,「知覺任務相關多元化」對團隊創新則無顯著影響。在交互作用方面,「任務相依性」在「實際人口背景多元化對知覺人口背景多元化之影響」與「實際任務相關多元化對知覺任務相關多元化之影響」上皆無干擾效果。另一方面,「多元化開放性」對「知覺人口背景多元化對團隊創新之影響」亦無干擾效果,但「多元化開放性」對「知覺任務相關多元化對團隊創新之影響」有顯著干擾效果,意謂著團隊可藉由「多元化開放性」的提昇,來改善「知覺任務相關多元化」對團隊創新的影響。 最後於本文提出研究結論以及管理意涵,希望透過本研究結果,提供企業或機構主管對管理研發團隊運作時的參考,並提出未來相關的研究建議。


Due to rapid change and development of science and technology in the 21st century, businesses have engaged vast impacts when industrial environment is full of complexity as well as uncertainty. To keep competitive advantages in a sustainable way, businesses put a lot of efforts to do research and development (R&D) on product innovation and to shorten the time to market. Therefore, businesses try to build up their R&D team in a more flexible, diversified and efficient way to meet the needs of globalization. The purpose of managing an effective R&D team with high performance of innovation has become an important emerging issue. The aims of this research are to investigate the influences of “actual team diversity” to “perceived team diversity” and its successive impacts on “team innovation (performance).” Actual team diversity includes bio-demographical diversity and task-related diversity, e.g. age, gender, birthplace, education, professional background, and tenure. This research tries further to find out what influences does actual team diversity have on perceived bio-demographical diversity as well as perceived task-related diversity. And “task interdependence” and “openness to diversity” are used as moderators to test the causal relations among actual diversity, perceived diversity and team innovation. A purposive sampling was adopted to collect the data. The authors contacted 180 team managers or supervisors and confirmed their willingness to answer the questionnaire. There were 104 valid teams data collected, including 104 team managers and 460 team members (564 questionnaires in total), resulting in the valid return ratio of 66.3%. Two statistical packages (SPSS 16.0 and AMOS 17) were used in this research to test the research hypotheses. From multiple regression analysis we have reached the following research findings: 1) “Actual team bio-demographic diversity” has positive influence on “perceived team bio-demographic diversity,” and “actual team task-related diversity” has positive influence on “perceived team task-related diversity;” 2) “perceived team bio-demographic diversity” has negative influence on “team innovation,” whereas “perceived team task-related diversity” has no significant influence on “team innovation;” 3) “openness to diversity” has moderating effect on the causal relationship of “perceived team bio-demographic diversity and team innovation.” However, “Task interdependence” shows no significant moderating effect. The author goes on to draw research conclusions, highlight managerial implications and raise some issues. Along with the suggestions for managers when operating a R&D team, directions for further research are also proposed in the end.


