  • 學位論文


An Interpretation of the Incarnation of the Word in Gadamer’s “Truth and Method”

指導教授 : 陸敬忠


本論文嘗試以《真理與方法》文本詮釋之方式,從詮釋學對話概念為視角出發,進行高達美詮釋學理論中關於「語詞之道成肉身」事件的探討。 語言和語詞是被我們理解的對象與我們發生理解、對話的「中間地帶」。而語詞和蘊含在其中之「事理」,兩者之間有著「內在統一性」的關係。不過,從希臘柏拉圖開始即對語言產生遺忘,且一路走來,被窄化、有限化,導致語詞和事理間原本具有的真理關係被扭曲、變形,語言被貶低至僅有工具之地位、與事理疏離。因而,我們為要如實地描述蘊含在語詞之中的事理,並參與在和事理本身之無盡的對話中,就必須先回到語詞本身。而高達美是在不同於希臘思想的語詞觀即基督宗教的「道成肉身」事件中,找到了適合闡明語詞與事理之關係和恢復其「內在統一性」的資源。 因此,本論文以高達美哲學詮釋學之對話論述為出發點;緊接著,藉由高達美所詮釋的柏拉圖《克拉底魯斯》之探討,指出西方哲學之語言發展所導致的語言窄化問題;爾後,進入高氏援引基督宗教的道成肉身事件為語詞正名。與此同時,指出「道成肉身」在高氏詮釋學中之重要地位,及神學思想在哲學詮釋學中所發生的作用。最終,再回到本論文據以出發之起點呈現出詮釋學循環,藉由高達美對三種我─你關係之分析,和語詞「自我遺忘性」(虛己)性格之說明,呈顯高達美所標榜的:一切的真理盡在對話之中。而對話中的表達事理的語言必定是道成肉身的語言。


道成肉身 語詞 事理 對話 高達美 詮釋學


The thesis is to explore the event of “incarnation” of the Word in hermeneutics theory by the way of text interpretation in “Truth and Method” and from the prospect of the dialogue concept in hermeneutics. Language and word is “in a middle ground” where the object of our understanding having dialogue with us and the understanding of meaning take place. There is an “intimate unity” between the word(Wort)and the subject matter(Sache)it presents. The idea has been forgotten since Plato. Language and word has been narrowed down and limited to the extent that distortion and narrowing occurred and the true relationship between itself and subject matter are downgraded to become tools and alienation from subject matter itself. In order to truly present the subject matter implicit in the word and take part in infinite dialogue with the subject matter, we must focus on the word itself. Differentiate from Greek’s viewpoint, Gadamer found suitable resource in Christian’s “incarnation” event, to illustrate the relationship between word and subject matter and recover its “intimate unity”. Initiated from the elaboration of the dialogue in hermeneutics theory, followed by the exploration of Cratylus from Plato interpreted by Gadamer, this thesis points out the dilemma of language being narrowed caused by the language development of western philosophy and the rectification for word in the Christianity event of incarnation by Gadamer. In the same time, this paper point out the importance of “incarnation” in the hermeneutics theory and the influence of theology to the hermeneutics theory. In the end of the thesis, the initial discussion topic is recalled: as hermeneutic circle Through the Gadamer analysis on I-Thou relation and the illustration of self-forgetfulness of word, it is clearly illustrated that the truth is embedded in dialogue, and the language of the subject matter in conversation is the language of incarnation.


Gadamer hermeneutics dialogue the subject matter word Incarnation


Dialogue & Deconstruction: The Gadamer-Derrida Encounter. Eds.Diane P. Michelfelder & Richar E. Palmer. Albany : State University of New York Press, 1989.
Gadamer in Conversation : Reflections and Commentary. Eds and Trans. Richard E. Palmer. New Haven : Yale University Press, 2001.
Dostal, Robert J. Ed. The Cambridge companion to Gadamer. Cambridge ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Johnson, Patricia Altenbernd.On Gadamer. Australia : Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2000.
