  • 學位論文


The “Performance” Concept of Image – Gadamer’s "Truth and Method" Art-hermeneutic research

指導教授 : 陸敬忠




代表 表現 教化 遊戲 摹本 原形 形象 流射 轉化 構成物


Understanding as core-idea is advocated by Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics. “Sache”( matter-of-fact ) uses all kind of historical tradition as medium and bands down to all generations of people. Face to face with “Sache” and seek to understand it is the Instinct of spiritual activity, In the course of the game, “Sache” is disclosure, through the image, which performs to human being, Truth will be happening. Works of art mediate and bear the image of “Sache”. Art experience is the most directly and unhindered accessible way to experience “Sache” in our life. However, affected by the consciousness of the epistemology of scientific, the epistemology theory of aesthetic consciousness becomes an important method of understanding works of art in the history of art. Gadamer’s emphasizing on the concept of the performance of art works and critiques on aesthetic consciousness have both defend the sovereignty of the truth through the works of art itself and show indirectly reveal the concept of truth of Spiritual science. Starts from this experience, through the exploration of various classical heritages, we can come into the way of truth which corresponds with the whole hermeneutical experiences. This thesis mainly focuses on the existent and presentation of the image. Based on the Gadamer’s text in Truth and Method, the first part of "The question of truth as it emerges in the experience of art," the paragraph of "The ontology of the work of art and its hermeneutic significance," and the paragraph of “The ontological valence of the picture”, and the ideas of art of other scholars, a decent interpretative analysis of the performance of image has been conducted to interpret what Gadamer’s right way to express the Being of art in his “Ontology of image”.


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Johann Joachim Winckelmann,《希臘美術模仿論》,潘襎在翻譯箋著,典藏藝術家庭,2006年11月出版。
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