  • 學位論文


The Research of Problem-based Learning On Geometric Mathematics Teaching Methods in Junior High School

指導教授 : 王牧民


本研究旨在研究:國中數學課程運用「問題本位學習」模式實施教學,對學生數學態度的影響。本研究採準實驗研究法之單一實驗組前後測設計,以研究者任教之新北市某國中二年級一個班級(學生36人)為研究對象,並依數 學能力將全班學生以S形常態編班方式,分成6個異質性學習小組進行「問題本位學習」教學。研究者以觀察、紀錄、晤談等方式,來了解學生在小組中的參與過程及組員間的互動情形,對照其數學態度量表前後測的差異,從而歸納出學生的學習成效與學習過程之間的關聯性。 研究中發現:在時間因素的限制下,為求達到預期成效,教師要先營造分組討論的氣氛,讓學生能放鬆心情,在無壓力的情形下積極參與;教師也要教導學生如何發表意見、與人討論及溝通的技巧,當學生有疑惑或產生問題時,教師必須提供必要的資源供學生澄清疑惑或解決問題;以問題方式引導學生進行小組討論,並鼓勵學生參與討論,隨時監控整個過程,並做必要而適當的處置。 研究結果顯示:問題本位學習的教學策略,讓學生接納數學的意願顯著提高,學生都能接受任務分配各司其職,小組從蒐集資料、進行討論到發表討論成果,都由組員獨立完成,學生的數學態度有正面的提昇。學生在數學態度量表的總表及「學習數學的信心」、「數學探究動機」、「數學焦慮」分量表均達顯著差異。這意味著「問題本位學習」在國中數學課程的教學上,有其成效。 對問題本位學習實施的檢討: (一)學習的主題宜選擇貼近學生的生活經驗,才能提高學生參與的意願。 (二)實施前給予學生充分的時間做準備及蒐集資料,討論的進行方能熱烈而順利。 (三)實施前應教導學生發表意見及討論的技巧。 (四)實施過程中,對低成就學生要給予適時鼓勵,增加其學習數學的信心。 (五)學生彼此之間的感情不一,在分組時若能列入考量,對討論成效應有所助益。


The aim of this research is to study the influence of Problem-based Learning applied in junior high school mathematic programs on the students’ attitude toward learning mathematics. The design of this research adopts pre-and-post tests in uni-experiment team of Quasi- experiment with its subjects of 36 students who are under my instruction in a second-grade class in one Taipei municipal junior high school. This class, streamed according to the ability of mathematics in S-shaped way- normal streaming, was divided into six groups with hetero-learning in which teaching is proceeded based on Problem-based Learning. The methods of observation, recording, and interview were adopted by the researcher to realize the interaction of the involvement and process between the subjects experimented. A comparison of the differences between pre-and-post Mathematics Attitude Scale helps get the connection of learning effectiveness and learning process inductively. In the research it was found as follows: With the limitation of time, in ordre to reach the target effect the instructor has to create the atmosphere for the students to be actively involved in the group discussion with relaxation and without pressure. In addition, the instructor should instruct the students the skills of how to express themselves, join the discussion and communicate with one another. While there are questions or confusion, the teacher is supposed to provide the learners with necessary resources and resolutions. Finally, lead the students to proceed group discussion via the problem-based way and encourage them to take part in the discussion, which is under monitoring and dealt with properly by the teacher. The studies showed the teaching strategy of Problem-based Learning elevates the students’ will of acceptance of mathematics and their attitude toward learning it. In addition, they are willing to accept their appointed work , such as collecting information , discussion proceeding , and presentation of their reuslts and do it on their own properly. The students’ performance in the total scale of Mathematics Attitude Scale, the Confidence in Learning Mathematics Scale, The Mathematics Anxiety Scale and theEffect Motivation in Mathematics Scale varies from each other strikingly, which means that Problem-based Learning achieves the effect on the teaching of mathematics in junior high school. The riview of Problem-based Learning: 1. The subject chosen for students’ learning , if close to their living experience, will promote students’ involvement. 2. Before carrying out, the students should have sufficient time to prepare and collect information , which will facilitate the proceeding of discussion. 3. The skills for students to discuss and express their opinions should be taught before hand. 4. During the process of implementation , the students with low- performance have to be encouraged, which is supposed to increase their confidence in learning mathematics. 5. The feelings among the students are various.Therefore, if these can be taken into consideration previously, it will enhance the effect on discussion


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