  • 學位論文


The Effects of Brand Community for Facebook Fan Page on Consumer Brand Loyalty and Purchase Intention

指導教授 : 陳宜棻


近年來網路社群的崛起,社群行銷成為市場行銷的主流,而Facebook為目前全球發展最成功也最具代表性的社群網站,除了既有的社交功能外,更進一步成為商業行銷之新平台,其中,以粉絲專頁最具前瞻性,許多企業組織紛紛透過粉絲專頁經營以及強化其品牌,希望藉助虛擬品牌社群來匯集目標顧客,透過線上經驗分享、品牌資訊傳遞等來進行行銷活動,期望消費者因對虛擬品牌社群的認同及信任增加對其品牌的忠誠度,進而影響其最終購買意願。 本研究主要以任一粉絲專頁會員為研究對象,採取網路問卷,共取得有效問卷468份,採用結構方程模型(structural equation model)作為本研究的分析方法,驗證各變數間之關聯性,旨在探討消費者加入Facebook粉絲專頁會因為社群歸屬感、互動性以及口碑等因素產生對品牌社群的認同與信任,最後對其品牌忠誠度以及購買意願有正向影響。


Social group marketing is trendily developed as the main-stream due to the growths of social networking sites. Particularly most successful representative like “Facebook” has been given an example. More than social networking functions, it has been implemented marketing business functions in these years. Especially, the “fan page” is the most popular virtual brand community under “Facebook” that most corporations rely on for attracting new customers. The most fascinated benefits that “fan page” features like ownership-experiences sharing, brand publicity and brand loyalty for customers can truly increase customer purchase intention. Hence, the topic for this research is to study how do these factors such as sense of belonging, interactions between people who join the same “fan page” and word-of-mouse that affect customer purchase intention and brand loyalty. For the methodology, the members of randomly “fan page” will be investigated by web-survey. The totally reliable 486 samples will be applied to the structural equation model. Moreover, the relationships from modeling results with each variable will be studied to determine that these factors can truly help to increase the purchase intention from customers.


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