  • 學位論文

以ZigBee感測網路輔助發展遲緩兒童如廁訓練 成效的對照實驗

ZigAlert:ZigBee Sensor Networks Assist Children with Developmental Delay for Toileting Training Effect of Contrastive Experiment

指導教授 : 張耀仁


「發展遲緩」係指在器官功能、感官知覺、動作平衡、語言溝通、認知學習、社會心理、情緒等發展項目上有一種或數種的發展速度或品質上成熟速度遲緩、落後。 在人們眼中,上廁所是很自然、容易的事,但是對於身心障礙的兒童卻是一項挑戰;當尿意來時,他們有時候並不知道如何正確表達需求,身心發展上的障礙讓發展遲緩兒童學習生活自理的進展緩慢,造成行為模式難以建立與持續。 在特教老師的協助指導下,我們輔助一名患有多重障礙9歲的男童進行如廁養成訓練。並評估男童是否能藉由ZigBee感濕電路成功如廁。數據顯示,在介入期受測者大大增加成功如廁次數。 運用ZigBee無線感測技術可協助特教老師逐步訓練發展遲緩兒童成功如廁,以ZigBee無線網路建構出更符合實際需求的科技輔具。


"Developmental delay" means the organ function, sensory perception, action, balance, language, cognitive learning, and social psychological, emotional and other development projects have one or more pace of development or quality of mature is slow speed or lag behind. Toilet seems to be a natural, easy thing to do, but for children with developmental delays is a challenge. They sometimes do not know how to express their needs such us urinate. The children with developmental delays learn self-care slower and more difficult than other children, and it’s also hard to maintain. In special education under the guidance of a teacher, we use a ZigBee sensor network to assist a 9-year-old child with toilet training. This study assessed whether a 9 years old boy with multiple disabilities would be able to become toilet trained using a ZigBee based wetness sensor technology and a positive reinforcement strategy. Data showed that the participant significantly increased his target response, thus improving daytime urinary continence during the intervention phases. Use ZigBee wireless sensor technology to help special education teacher gradually successful toilet training children with developmental delays. ZigBee wireless network to construct an assistive technology are more practical demands.


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