  • 學位論文


Growth and Doping of AlN Thin Film Using Low Temperature Helicon Sputtering Method

指導教授 : 高慧玲


氮化鋁(AlN)是三族氮化物半導體中具有最大能隙的材料,直接能隙寬達6.2eV,具對太陽光全盲(solar blindess)、高抗輻射性、高化學及熱穩定性、高熱導性等優點,可應用於大功率、高溫操作環境下之電子元件,以及深紫外光波段(波長小於200nm)之光電元件。不論是作為深紫外光源或是光偵測器之應用,於AlN中有效的加入雜質摻雜以控制此寬能隙材料之導電度,乃是最重要的關鍵,故摻雜並控制AlN之導電度,提升載子數目,使之到達理想p-n接面,仍是當前對AlN而言待解而重要之議題。 本篇論文係研究本質AlN薄膜於低溫濺鍍時的特性,利用XRD與AFM對薄膜特性作探討。另一重點,即利用此低溫濺鍍成長之方式,研製矽摻雜AlN薄膜,利用矽與鋁靶之結合,於AlN薄膜成長時給予摻質矽,隨後藉由電性量測可量得最低之電阻率約為29.2 Ω-cm,較本質薄膜低約兩個數量級,且載子濃度與遷移率均有改善。 本實驗藉由各項量測了解摻雜後AlN薄膜的特性,並證實使用helicon sputtering系統以低溫方式進行摻雜實屬可行。日後期望能修改製成條件,將良好品質與電性之摻雜AlN薄膜更有效應用於各項深紫外光元件上。


This thesis is to research and develop a doping strategy for AlN thin film and the applications in deep UV detection. Aluminum nitride(AlN) has attracted much attention due to its extremely large direct band gap (6.2eV), and outstanding thermal and chemical stability. It has a wide application perspective, especially in the area of high power high temperature electronic and deep UV region optoelectronic devices. For such device applications, intentional doping is essential to achieve sufficient electrical conductivity and control carrier concentrations. However, very few works have reported about the doping of AlN material. There are two parts of my thesis. First, I discuss about the low temperature growth mechanism and parameters for undoped AlN films using helicon sputter system. Investigation about the film crystallinity was carried out using XRD and AFM. Second part is to research the n-type AlN doping using this low temperature growth technique. By adding silicon into aluminum target, I give dopant in AlN growth, which enhanced the carrier concentration and mobility. The electrical measurements showed that the resistivity of the Si doped AlN thin film is lower than the undoped films by two orders of magnitudes. This research indicated the feasibility of increasing carrier concentration in AlN films by adding Si as doping impurity in the process of low temperature helicon sputtering. Further investigation on the carrier transport mechanism as well as the process optimization is needed for realization of the application.


Si doped low temperature growth wild band gap AlN epitaxy


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