  • 學位論文


The study learning effects with an in-class simulation game

指導教授 : 楊康宏


隨著教育不斷進步,教學方法亦不斷在修正,傳統教學法教師以教科書為傳授知識的藍本,以單向傳授方式,容易讓學生面臨無法將所學整合並應用於實際的困境,因此,若能在課堂上加入模擬真實情況的遊戲教學,讓學生於課堂上實際操作,了解所學到的知識該如何應用,將有助於學生有效的學習及獲取知識。 本研究藉由分析課堂模擬遊戲過程中,所收集到的記錄及過程,包含學生們的成績、問卷資料進行分析,探討模擬遊戲在學習動機與學習成就上的影響,並以行動研究的精神,反思在執行過程中有何困難、缺陷,作為往後教學改進的依據。


With the advances in education, teaching methods evolve as well. Teachers use traditional teaching methods, mainly by one way instruction to impart textbook knowledge to students. When students graduate, they have to face many difficulties and problems that they never deal with in the school. And the piecewise knowledge by the textbook knowledge can’t help them very much. They need a period time to be re-trained to be capable to deal with their job. A virtual reality game in the classroom is proven a useful tool to let students know the future real problems, which allow students to practicing the classroom and learning how to apply the textbook knowledge into practice. At the same time those games will help students learn and acquire knowledge effectively. In this study, we analyze the collected records and process from the classroom simulation game, which included mid-term and final tests scores of students and the questionnaire data. Those are provided to analyze students’ learning achievement and learning motivation Due to the classroom space limitations and the class schedule arrangement, we encountered some difficulties to carry out simulation games. However, from the analyzed results, students still felt that the simulation game can improve their study. Therefore, the whole simulation design can be provided as a reference for teachers to improve the class teaching in the future.


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