  • 學位論文

應用線上虛擬實境軟體於華語教學之 師生觀感

Students' and Teachers' Perceptions of Using Virtual Worlds in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

指導教授 : 鄭琇仁


近年來,虛擬實境軟體廣泛使用於教育領域之中,「第二人生」為其中最多人使用的系統之一,具有模擬真實情境、自由創建物件、與其他使用者同步進行語音、文字交流等特質,可提供外語學習者一個接近真實溝通情境的機會,因此吸引了外語教學者的注意。外語教學者試圖找出「第二人生」與語言教學結合的最佳方式,文獻中指出,透過「任務」,學習者不僅可以獲得語言知識,亦可體驗到真實的語言文化情境。因此,為調查師生雙方對融合「任務」於「第二人生」教學之觀感,本研究採調查研究法,以問卷的方式,蒐集十二位華語實習教師和六位外籍學習者的看法,以敘述性統計方法,利用平均數、百分比、獨立樣本t檢定進行量化分析所得資料比較師生觀感的差異,也以訪談方式收集質性資料進而深入了解參與本研究實習教師的觀感。 研究結果顯示: 1.實習教師及外籍學習者雙方對「第二人生」採「任務」方式教學持正面態度,但華語實習教師對「任務」運用狀況的觀感滿意度高於外籍學習者。 2.實習教師及華語學習者雙方對結合「第二人生」特色教學給予正向回饋,華語實習教師對於教學結合「第二人生」特色的觀感略高於外籍學習者。 本文根據研究結果提出相關建議供後繼研究者參考。


In recent years, multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) are widely used in the field of education. “Second Life” (SL) allowing users to create a real world, objects, chat with other users has gained attentions. The multi-user virtual environment offers language learners an opportunity to contact with real communicative context, which solve the issues of lacking real contacts in foreign language learning setting. Therefore, “SL” attracts the attention of foreign language educators. Researches also found learners acquire linguistic knowledge through experiencing authentic context in a virtual world as SL. This research aimed to investigate the different perceptions of teachers and students toward adopting “SL”. Data were collected by questionnaires and interviews. Twelve pre-service teachers and six learners were participated. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, frequency distribution, percentage, and Independent Sample t-test. The results showed that: 1.Both Mandarin pre-service teachers’ and Mandarin learners’ perceptions of adopting “Second Life” in Mandarin teaching and learning are positive, and pre-service teachers tended to perceive more positive than learners. 2.Both Mandarin pre-service teachers’ and Mandarin learners’ perceptions of combing “SL” with Mandarin teaching and learning are positive, and pre-service teachers tended to perceive more positive than learners.


鄭琇仁、戰紅、陳慶萱(2010)。華語師資培訓之教學個案研究-以虛擬實境Second Life為例。中原華語文學報,5,157-178。
